On 05/22/2013 08:55 AM, Deepak C Shetty wrote:
Hi All,
I was looking at virsh attach-disk and i see the below
Attach new disk device.
[--domain] <string> domain name, id or uuid
[--source] <string> source of disk device
[--target] <string> target of disk device
*--sourcetype <string> type of source (block|file)*
I was wondering why the sourcetype only support block|file only ? What if i
wanted to add a network (disk type=network) based drive ? Is this a constraint
of virsh or QEMU itself doesn't allow hotplu of network block device disk ?
virsh questions go to libvirt-list, CC'd.
It's just a missing feature, not a deliberate omission. Patches welcome.
- Cole