On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 05:00:51AM -0400, Laine Stump wrote:
Once it's plugged in, the <listen element will be an optional
replacement for the "listen", "port", "tlsPort", and
attributes that graphics elements already have. If the <listen>
type='address', it will have an attribute called 'address' which will
contain an IP address or dns name that the guest's display server
should listen on. If, however, type='network', the <listen> element
should have an attribute called 'network' that will be set to the name
of a network configuration to get the IP address from.
* docs/schemas/domain.rng: updated to allow the <listen> element
* docs/formatdomain.html.in: document the <listen> element and its
* src/conf/domain_conf.[hc]:
1) The domain parser, formatter, and data structure are modified to
support 0 or more <listen> subelements to each <graphics>
element. The old style "legacy" attributes are also still
accepted, and will be stored internally just as if they were a
separate <listen> element. On output (i.e. format), the first
<listen> element will be duplicated in the legacy attributes of
the <graphic> element.
2) The following attributes have been removed from the unions in
virDomainGRaphicsDef for graphics types vnc, rdp, and spice:
These attributes are all present in the <listen> subelement (aka
I think it is a somewhat overkill to have 'autoport' be a setting
per-<listen> element. I can't imagine people want a fixed port
number on one IP addr, but a dynamic port number on another IP
addr. So we could just keep that on the top level element.
http://berrange.com -o-
http://www.flickr.com/photos/dberrange/ :|
http://libvirt.org -o-
http://virt-manager.org :|
http://autobuild.org -o-
http://search.cpan.org/~danberr/ :|
http://entangle-photo.org -o-
http://live.gnome.org/gtk-vnc :|