Daniel P. Berrangé writes:
> >
> The reason for this timeout is that we originally promised something
> that we cannot deliver - a synchronous device detach API, while the
> operation itself is asynchronous. I'm not a fan of exposing it and
> making it configurable.
I'm especially *not* a fan because the commit messages says this is
a problem on certain architectures. Since we know what those arches
are, we should use a larger timeout for those arches out of the box.
Requiring admin to set a config param to fix the architectures is
super unpleasant out of the box experiance.
True, but also notice that 5 seconds is also already close to the
attention span time limit for users [1]. So increasing it to 10s might
bring people to believe things are stuck, unless you provide some sort
of feedback that this is normal.
Christophe de Dinechin (IRC c3d)