On 09/17/2018 11:14 PM, John Ferlan wrote:
On 09/10/2018 05:36 AM, Michal Privoznik wrote:
> Two new APIs are added so that security driver can lock and
> unlock paths it wishes to touch. These APIs are not for other
> drivers to call but security drivers (DAC and SELinux). That is
> the reason these APIs are not exposed through our
> libvirt_private.syms file.
> Three interesting things happen in this commit. The first is the
> global @lockManagerMutex. Unfortunately, this has to exist so that
> there is only on thread talking to virtlockd at a time. If there
> were more threads and one of them closed the connection
> prematurely, it would cause virtlockd killing libvirtd. Instead
> of complicated code that would handle that, let's have a mutex
> and keep the code simple.
> The second interesting thing is keeping connection open between
> lock and unlock API calls. This is achieved by duplicating client
> FD and keeping it open until unlock is called. This trick is used
> by regular disk content locking code when the FD is leaked to
> qemu.
> Finally, the third thing is polling implemented at client side.
> Since virtlockd has only one thread that handles locking
> requests, all it can do is either acquire lock or error out.
> Therefore, the polling has to be implemented in client. The
> polling is capped at 60 second timeout, which should be plenty
> since the metadata lock is held only for a fraction of a second.
I smell a configurable timeout instead of 60 seconds, but that's mainly
because my senses are more acutely aware of such configurable timeout
changes given some recent on list patches for client lock timeouts when
(as I assume) there is a client gathering stats that takes a long time.
Hopefully not. This indeed is a lock that guards
chown()/setfilecon_raw(). I wouldn't expect them to took very long even
if there were dozens of daemons fighting over the lock.