On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 03:23:30PM -0200, Marco Sinhoreli wrote:
I need the libvirt 0.5.1 to work with the oVirt and prepare this
solution to work over Xen. Do you know if I do a backport of the Xen
from fc9 or fc10 or perhaps Xen 3.3.0 the libvirt could to work?
Well xen is basically not available in F-9 and F-10 so I don't
think there have been much testing in that combination. The real
need is a backport of some of the RHEL patches for libvirt-0.3.x
on top of the new libvirt, and a-priori keeping the xen part untouched.
Daniel Veillard | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit
daniel(a)veillard.com | Rpmfind RPM search engine
http://veillard.com/ | virtualization library