On 8/23/19 5:22 AM, Vladimir Sementsov-Ogievskiy wrote:
14.08.2019 13:07, Vladimir Sementsov-Ogievskiy wrote:
> To get rid of implicit filters related workarounds in future let's
> deprecate them now.
Interesting, could we deprecate implicit filter without deprecation of unnecessity of
parameter? As actually, it's good when this parameter is not necessary, in most
user is not interested in node-name.
https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/unnecessity -- I am surprised to learn
that this a real word in the language I speak. :)
I assume you're referring to making the optional argument mandatory.
Obviously we can do the following:
1. In 4.2 we deprecate unnecessity, which implies deprecation of implicit filters
2. After some releases in 4.x we can drop deprecated functionality, so we drop it
together with
implicit filters. And, in same release 4.x we return it back (as it's compatible
change :)
but without implicit filters (so, if filter-node-name not specified, we just create
explicit filter with autogenerated node-name)
So, effectively we just drop "deprecation mark" together with implicit filters,
which is nice
but actually confusing.
Instead, we may do
1. In 4.2 deprecate
2. In 4.x drop optionality together with implicit filters
3. In 4.y (y > x of course) return optionality back
Ah, I see what you're digging at here now...
It's a bit safer, but for users who miss releases [4.x, 4.y)
it's no difference..
Or we just write in spec, that implicit filters are deprecated? But we have nothing about
filters in spec. More over, we directly write that we have filter, and if parameter is
it's node-name is autogenerated. So actually, the fact the filter is hidden when
filter-node-name is
unspecified is _undocumented_.
So, finally, it looks like nothing to deprecated in specification, we can just drop
implicit filters :)
What do you think?
What exactly _IS_ an implicit filter? How does it differ today from an
explicit filter? I assumed the only difference was if it was named or
not; but I think I must be mistaken now if you're proposing leaving the
interface alone entirely.
Are they instantiated differently?