Dear Libvirt Developers,
I'm working to implement feature request [1]. The feature request proposes
to enhance `libvirt' code so the API caller can specify which block devices
are to be migrated using e.g. parameters in the `virDomainMigrateToURI3'
There is the following issues:
1. It is obvious to identify devices to be migrated using the
`device_name'. However, these need to be serialized in either 1) a
comma-separated string or in 2) a set of values named like `blockdevice%d'
with `blockdevice' value holding amount of block devices to migrate. What
is the desired approach here? Can block device name contain commas or
should I neglect this possibility?
2. `libvirt' behavior in block devices migration was copied from the
`QEMU' implementation that ignores read-only devices as well. So, `libvirt'
code will need to pass this list to `QEMU' `migrate' QMP command and this
argument should be implemented in the `QEMU'.
Is there any implementation advices from your side?