On Tue, Feb 09, 2010 at 04:06:56PM +0100, Thomas Treutner wrote:
with all qemu-kvm > 0.11, virsh domblkstat is not working:
virsh -c qemu://node03/system domblkstat wp01 vdb : invalid argument in no
stats found for device virtio-disk1
(vda, vdb etc. works with 0.11)
"virtio-disk1" seems to be a red herring:
virsh -c qemu://node03/system domblkstat wp01 virtio-disk1 : invalid argument
in invalid path: virtio-disk1
Most probably there have been made some changes with 0.12 libvirt does not
resemble yet. If you need more debugging output, just tell.
I've managed to reproduce it and figured out what's wrong. libvirt was
trying to match against the device name 'virtio-disk1' rather than against
the drive name 'drive-virtio-disk1' and so not finding the stats.
The reason its matching 'virtio-disk1' rather than 'vda' is that that is
the globally unique name libvirt gave to the 'vda' device. You can see
this now in the XML format <alias> element. In the future we will allow
you to actually pass the alias in directly, as an alternative to the
'vda' style name
|: Red Hat, Engineering, London -o-
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