I am able to connect remote xend using http but whenever I try to connect remote machine
using "virsh -c xen+ssh://root@...../ list" I found following error:
libvir: Remote error : socket closed unexpectedly
error: failed to connect to the hypervisor
libvirtd is running on both systems and netcat is also installed on both machines.
Debug log is:
node2:/home/waheed# export LIBVIRT_DEBUG=1
node2:/home/waheed# virsh -c xen+ssh://root@node1/ list
DEBUG: libvirt.c: virInitialize (register drivers)
DEBUG: libvirt.c: virRegisterDriver (registering Test as driver 0)
DEBUG: libvirt.c: virRegisterNetworkDriver (registering Test as network driver 0)
DEBUG: libvirt.c: virRegisterStorageDriver (registering Test as storage driver 0)
DEBUG: xen_internal.c: xenHypervisorInit (Using new hypervisor call: 30002
DEBUG: xen_internal.c: xenHypervisorInit (Using hypervisor call v2, sys ver6 dom ver5
DEBUG: libvirt.c: virRegisterDriver (registering Xen as driver 1)
DEBUG: libvirt.c: virRegisterDriver (registering OPENVZ as driver 2)
DEBUG: libvirt.c: virRegisterDriver (registering remote as driver 3)
DEBUG: libvirt.c: virRegisterNetworkDriver (registering remote as network driver 1)
DEBUG: libvirt.c: virRegisterStorageDriver (registering remote as storage driver 1)
DEBUG: libvirt.c: virRegisterDeviceMonitor (registering remote as device driver 0)
DEBUG: libvirt.c: virConnectOpenAuth (name=xen+ssh://root@node1/, auth=0xb7ed8be0,
DEBUG: libvirt.c: do_open (name "xen+ssh://root@node1/" to URI components:
scheme xen+ssh
opaque (null)
authority (null)
server node1
user root
port 0
path /
DEBUG: libvirt.c: do_open (trying driver 0 (Test) ...)
DEBUG: libvirt.c: do_open (driver 0 Test returned DECLINED)
DEBUG: libvirt.c: do_open (trying driver 1 (Xen) ...)
DEBUG: libvirt.c: do_open (driver 1 Xen returned DECLINED)
DEBUG: libvirt.c: do_open (trying driver 2 (OPENVZ) ...)
DEBUG: libvirt.c: do_open (driver 2 OPENVZ returned DECLINED)
DEBUG: libvirt.c: do_open (trying driver 3 (remote) ...)
DEBUG: remote_internal.c: doRemoteOpen (proceeding with name = xen:///)
DEBUG: util.c: virExec (ssh -p 22 -l root node1 nc -U /var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock)
root@node1's password:
libvir: Remote error : socket closed unexpectedly
DEBUG: libvirt.c: do_open (driver 3 remote returned ERROR)
DEBUG: datatypes.c: virUnrefConnect (unref connection 0x9818de0 1)
DEBUG: datatypes.c: virReleaseConnect (release connection 0x9818de0)
error: failed to connect to the hypervisor
Please help me to identify problem.