I summarized the idea about 'policy manager'. The purpose of 'policy
is to manage and to operate 'runtime policy' such as cpu pin/weight/cap.
Please refer to the following thread about earlier argument about
'policy manager'.
To implement the above mentioned features, I think that 'policy manager'
need to be constructed by CLI and API. Is it all right in the following ideas?
- About CLI
At first, I think the following commands are necessary.
('xxx' means temporary command name)
(1) xxx vcpupin <domain> <vcpu> <cpulist>
: Same as virsh vcpupin <domain> <vcpu> <cpulist> command
(2) xxx schedweight <domain> <weight>
: Same as xm sched-credit -d <domain> -w <weight> command
(3) xxx schedcap <domain> <cap>
: Same as xm sched-credit -d <domain> -c <cap> command
(4) xxx cpuoccupy <pcpu> <domains>
: The domains specified by <domains> can use the <pcpu> in occupancy,
and the other domains can't use it. (*)
(5) xxx cpupolicy <domain>
: Show the CPU runtime policy of <domain>.
(*) When a running domain has vcpu pinned to only single pcpu,
the other domains can't occupy the pcpu.
In above mentioned (1)-(4), policy informations of not only running domains
but also inactive domains are managed in the following API.
- About API
The main function which is necessary for API are as follows.
o When CLI command is executed, the demanded processing is done
by calling libvirt from API.
o API preserves the specified by CLI command to a specific file.
o When start/reboot domain command is executed by libvirt,
API is called from libvirt and the domain is set the runtime policy.
- TODO list
o It is necessary to add new function into libvirt to change scheduler
parameters (cpu weight/cap) previously.
Any other thoughts from anyone?
Yuzuru Asano.