Hello there
I'm using libvirt-1.0.2 to spawn off linux containers
We currently have 2 very similar setups that run on fedora 16 and f18 respectively
And I'm seeing one weird difference concerning /proc/meminfo
While everything is fine on the fedora16 world, on the fedora18 side here is what the
container sees
bash-4.2# ls /proc
ls: cannot access /proc/meminfo: Permission denied
1 257 bus devices fb irq kpagecount mdstat net
schedstat swaps tty
10 377 cgroups diskstats filesystems kallsyms kpageflags meminfo
pagetypeinfo scsi sys uptime
15 522 cmdline dma fs kcore latency_stats misc
partitions self sysrq-trigger version
16 542 consoles dri interrupts key-users loadavg modules
pidsu slabinfo sysvipc vmallocinfo
18 acpi cpuinfo driver iomem keys locks mounts
procprotect softirqs timer_list vmstat
19 buddyinfo crypto execdomains ioports kmsg lxcsu mtrr
sched_debug stat timer_stats zoneinfo
bash-4.2# ls -l /proc | grep meminfo
ls: cannot access /proc/meminfo: Permission denied
-????????? ? ? ? ? ? meminfo
bash-4.2# cat /proc/meminfo
cat: /proc/meminfo: Permission denied
we rebuild libvirt-1.0.2 more or less as is modulo a few features that are turned off, our
specfile can be found here
the most obvious difference between both builds lies in using fuse:
# fuse is used to provide virtualized /proc for LXC
%if 0%{?fedora} >= 17 || 0%{?rhel} >= 7
%define with_fuse 0%{!?_without_fuse:1}
I was wondering what exactly should be the requirements on the root context for running
this properly
In particular the fuse rpm was not pulled as part of the libvirt dependencies, which might
be an omission ?
Can I expect my problem to go away if I make sure fuse gets installed ?
Otherwise where should I try to look to solve this issue ?
many thanks in advance -- Thierry