>> This patch adds the flag VIR_INTERFACE_XML_INACTIVE to
>> virInterfaceGetXMLDesc's flags.
> What about calling it instead VIR_INTERFACE_XML_CONFIG and adding a
> dummy (0) VIR_INTERFACE_XML_DEVICE, and corresponding --config/--device
> flags to the virsh command? This would match the source attribute.
> I'll let others override me happily, though.
Well it's to keep coherent naming with the APIs for other kind of
objects, for example there is an VIR_DOMAIN_XML_INACTIVE in libvirt.h
to dump the inactive domain informations (when a domain is
running/active). Similary 'virsh dumpxml --inactive' is about dumping
the XML for the domain as it was defined.
Then I'm "happily overridden". :-)
W.r.t. providing accessors for each informations we provide as
part of
an xml dump in virsh, I could try to add something generic, for example
as a post processing step based on XPath if people really feel disarmed
by grabbing something from XML output. But was that really the sense
of your query ?
No, "matching the source attribute" was just my rationale for naming the
options --config/--device (and the corresponding enum names).