Henri Cook wrote:
Hi guys,
I just tried to port a few customers over to this libvirt setup i'm
hoping to run and I couldn't get their machines started because there's
no mechanism to specify a model in the XML!
I know redhat have changed KVM's default driver to e1000, which I think
is the one I like the most and almost if not all of my VMs use. Ubuntu
haven't done that yet however!
Is there a model directive in the latest version? In the works? Just so
I know which solution I should pursue (updating libvirt or harassing
ubuntu to change the default)
I posted a series of patches to do this last year:
It generated some discussion but AFAIK didn't go anywhere.
Henri, if you want a quick hack to add specific options to kvm, you
can just specify a script as the KVM binary and have it add or modify
arguments as you wish. For example, I used:
while [ $i -lt $# ] ; do
# Use rtl8139 network card instead of default ne2k_pci
exec /usr/bin/kvm ${ARGV[@]}