On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 07:44:03PM +0100, Mark McLoughlin wrote:
I get treated like a war criminal when I make a change in
Fedora spec file and don't send it upstream, yet there are a whole
heap of changes which haven't been pushed upstream ... only one of
which is mine ... two changes less than DV himself :-)
My final contention is that maintaining these spec files in
the upstream repo actually makes it harder to maintain the Fedora
spec file and helps nobody. Because of half-assed attempts to keep
It was working for me, and helping me. I used to simply copy the
libvirt.spec file from my build when pushing, until Fedora starting
to give problems like awk being needed in the requires to build and
other stuff. It used to be *very* convenient.
the two in sync, I ended up having to fix a bunch of stuff and
re-instate another bunch of stuff in Fedora:
- Enable netcf support
- Pass --with-qemu-user=qemu etc. to configure
- Move various requires to the libvirt-client sub-package
- Sync some trivial cleanups from upstream spec file
- Remove explicit libxml2 requires, again
- Build with --without-capng if capng support is disabled
- Remove explicit dir creating in makeinstall, replaced by attr in files
- Set perms on /var/{run,lib,cache}/libvirt/qemu
I really think we should kill these off and just point people
at the Fedora spec file if they're looking for a reference spec file.
I need some very strong rationale before I ever go wasting my
time (2 hours) on this again.
Very simple. I hadn't time to properly fix the spec file in fedora
yesterday because of the "urgent" pressure to push something for the
F12 deadline. I would have in a large part finished the cleanup by time
of the 0.7.0 release, that was on my TODO list. You arrived in the
middle of the battle, heh wrong time.
I want "./configure --prefix=/usr ; make rpm" to work, it's so strong
that if you complain about wasted time I would ask you to just let me
fix things. If you feel you are wasting time please just don't do it,
that simple, but I want my process to still work and push signed RPMs
as part of the release process, please don't break it !
Daniel Veillard | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit
daniel(a)veillard.com | Rpmfind RPM search engine
http://veillard.com/ | virtualization library