On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 09:44:36AM +0100, Erik Skultety wrote:
Hi folks,
those who attended at least one conference for the past year have probably
noticed the rising trend (more like "sticker hype") of FOSS projects giving
these hexagon stickers, it's very inexpensive way of making some promo for
their project and since we don't do many promos (AFAIK none to be precise) I
guess as a project that's been going strong for 12 years already we should
probably start somewhere, even baby steps count (as it turns out in this case -
- literally...). So, I've taken our libvirt-publican repo and came up with a
few various color combinations for libvirt hexagon sticker design. Below you
can find links to my personal google drive (these are hexagon meshes, I can,
or anyone can for that matter, isolate individual designs and send them as
separate patches on demand), since each of the SVGs is over 1.5MB and I'd easily
run into message size limits for the mailing list, had I gone with sending these
as patches against libvirt-publican.
Speaking of logos...at the risk of opening a huge bucket of paint:
The current libvirt logo is bit non-intuitive. Unless you squint at it
to see what it might be about, you won't immediately get an idea what is
trying to tell you. Not sure if there's appetite to rework the logo
Let me see if I can describe the image in words: "you're peeling off
some layer and you see little penguins (VMs) get churned out".
(But that's from my biased POV of already knowing what libvirt is.)
For some inspiration, take a look at how the `curl` project went about
redesigning its logo[1].