On 03/18/2013 06:40 PM, Osier Yang wrote:
On 2013年03月18日 17:10, Guannan Ren wrote:
> The set of patches is trying to add 'startupPolicy' attribute support
> to the source element of hard disks. Policy levels are using the
> mandatory, requisite, optional levels as originally documented.
> For the 'optional' policy, there is a little difference from CDROM and
> Floppy which only drop its source path, for disks, if missing, the
> checking function will drop their definitions, because qemu doesn't
> allow missing source path for hard disk.
So, wondering why we need "startupPolicy" for disk not CD-ROM and
FLoppy, a disk not CD-ROM or Floppy with empty source doesn't make
Yes, so if the disk is inaccessible , I chose to drop its whole
definition like
Sometimes, the disk image file is the same inaccessible as CD-ROM
image file.
and it should be prohibited even when parsing (we do this
indeed). Extending the "startupPolicy" to disk types like 'dir',
'block' makes sense though.