[please CC me in replies]
Your updated patches still look good, I just noticed something that is
probably minor nitpicking:
Am Donnerstag, 24. Juni 2021, 22:48:58 CEST schrieb Jim Fehlig:
+ signal (send) set=("kill", "term")
+ signal (send) set=("term")
The quotes around the signal names are superfluous. You can simply use
set=(kill, term)
Actually the parenthesis are optional if there's only a single signal
mentioned, so you could also use
(keeping the parenthesis for consistency with other rules is also fine)
There are several signal rules with superfluous quotes in this patch,
and also one in the 2/2 patch.
(There's no need to re-send the patch for such a minor change IMHO.)
Christian Boltz
I'm root - if you see me laughing you better have a backup!