On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 01:44:32PM -0400, Cole Robinson wrote:
Cole Robinson wrote:
> The patch below adds xml support for the soundhw option to qemu
> and xen. The new xml element takes the form:
Here is the updated patch. Took a bit more work to take into account
the multiple models, building and parsing the xen soundhw string,
checking for duplicates, etc.
The current version uses the format:
<sound model='m1'/>
<sound model='m2'/>
To enable support for models m1 and m2. The code will fail if you
attempt to define an xml config which specifies a model that isn't
in the whitelist (currently composed of 'sb16, 'es1370', and
Unknown values from a xend sexpr or config file will be silently
One question: should the value 'all' be recognized from a xen domain
and translated into a <sound> tag for every item in the whitelist?
'all' is an accepted value for a xen domain, since it just passes
the string to qemu. This isn't in the code but I only thought of it
Sigh, that's a good question. I think I'd probably turn it into a
list of 3 <sound> tags, so that if they load the XML back in, it'll
get changed to the canonical explicit format.
+static int qemudParseSoundXML(virConnectPtr conn,
+ struct qemud_vm_sound_def *sound,
+ xmlNodePtr node) {
+ xmlChar *model = NULL;
+ model = xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST "model");
+ if (!model) {
+ qemudReportError(conn, NULL, NULL, VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR,
+ "%s", _("missing sound model"));
+ goto error;
+ }
+ if ((sound->model = qemudSoundModelFromString(conn, (char *) model)) < 0)
+ goto error;
+ if (model)
+ xmlFree(model);
+ return 0;
+ error:
+ if (model)
+ xmlFree(model);
+ return -1;
IIRC, xmlFree already copes with NULL, the 'if()' bits are not required.
You can check with 'make syntax-check' and see if it complains about these
Aside from this, it looks reasonable - I'd like to see a couple of
XML configs added to the test cases for xen and QEMU to validate the
parsing and formatting of XML.
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