On Thu, Jul 02, 2020 at 18:13:49 +0200, Andrea Bolognani wrote:
On Thu, 2020-07-02 at 16:39 +0200, Peter Krempa wrote:
> This series consists of multiple parts fixing the following bugs. Some
> of them depend on previous so I'm sending it as one to prevent
> conflicts.
> - Patches 1 - 11:
> [RFE] Add support for encrypted TLS client keys for disks
> - Patch 12:
> [incremental_backup] cannot do FULL backup for a READONLY disk
> - Patches 13 - 14:
> [incremental backup] Creating incremental backup that includes a new VM disk that
requires full backup is impossible
> - Patch 15:
> incremental-backup: RFE: Handle backup bitmaps during virDomainBlockPull
> - Patches 16 - 24:
> [incremental backup] RFE: Support TLS for NBD connections for pull mode backup
Can you please include updates to the release notes in your series?
Based on the summary above, it sounds like most of the changes will
be user-visible. Thanks!
Incremental backup is still not enabled so I usually don't include
anything related to it in the news as users can't really use it without
hacking around.
I'll definitely mention the encrypted keys support for NBD.
Also please note that I update news with my changes regularly when I
think it's worth mentioning so I'd prefer to be unsubscribed from these