On 04/04/2018 09:22 AM, John Ferlan wrote:
I understand - your other option is to make required. This is one of
those cases where there is a gray area with respect to libvirt picking
some default or policy that we generally prefer to avoid.
I think now I am more inclined towards making it required from libvirt
-- this matches with SEV spec.
As noted before/elsewhere - what happens when the default changes...
Theoretically speaking, change in default policy should not cause any
issue when creating the guest. But the policy change can limit us what a
hypervisor can do after the boots, e.g disable or disable debug,
migration or save/restore etc.
On side note, I will be going on 4 weeks of paternity leave starting
next week and will submit the series after I am back from leave.
>>> + }
>> Check out storageBackendCreateQemuImgSecretPath which just goes straight
>> to safewrite when writing to the file or qemuDomainWriteMasterKeyFile
>> which is a similar w/r/t a single key file for the domain.
>> The one thing to think about being the privileges for the file being
>> created and written and the expectations for QEMU's usage. I think this
>> is more like the storage secret code, but I could be wrong!
> The data is public in this case, we do not need to protect it with
> secret. Hence I am keeping all this certificate keys in unsecure place.
It wasn't so much the public keys as it was me (more or less) thinking
out loud about the protections on the file that you're "temporarily"
creating and using to pass the keys.
I noted two other areas which libvirt does something similarly - one is
the master public key file for decrypting the AES secrets for
libvirt/qemu secret manipulation. The second is the "temporary" file we
create in the storage driver to handle the luks encryption password for
create/resize of a luks encrypted file when using qemu-img. Now that is
slightly different than using a temporary file for the emulator binary.
In any case, since you're creating in libDir it's probably OK as is, but
I know when reading files libvirt creates which qemu will use there have
been issues in the past - I always have to refresh my memory what those
issues are though.
IIRC, Daniel recommended to use libDir in previous reviews, if its not a
big deal then we lets use libDir in initial patches and if need arises
then we can revisit it later.
thanks for all your feedback.