Add helper functions for network tests like retrieve MAC
address of a domain, the IP address from the leases file
and functions to create an installation disk.
Signed-off-by: Gerhard Stenzel <gstenzel(a)>
Index: libvirt-tck/lib/Sys/Virt/TCK/
--- /dev/null
+++ libvirt-tck/lib/Sys/Virt/TCK/
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+use XML::LibXML;
+use utf8;
+use strict;
+sub get_first_macaddress {
+ my $dom = shift;
+ my $result = xpath($dom, "/domain/devices/interface/mac/\@address");
+ my @macaddrs = map { $_->getNodeValue} $result->get_nodelist;
+# we want the first mac
+ my $mac = $macaddrs[0];
+ utf8::decode($mac);
+ return $mac;
+sub get_ip_from_leases{
+ my $mac = shift;
+ my $tmp = `grep $mac /var/lib/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.leases`;
+ my @fields = split(/ /, $tmp);
+ my $ip = $fields[2];
+ return $ip;
+sub build_and_boot_domain{
+ my $tck = shift;
+ my $conn = shift;
+ my $disk_path = shift;
+ my $boot_from_disk = shift;
+ my $install_guest;
+ my $mac = "52:54:00:11:11:11";
+ my $model = "virtio";
+ my $filterref = "no-spoofing";
+ my $network = "network";
+ my $source = "default";
+ # prepare to boot install kernel and do a network installation
+ if ($boot_from_disk == 0) {
+ $install_guest = $tck->generic_domain("tckinst");
+ my $kickstart_file ="";
+ my $cmdline = "ip=dhcp gateway= ks=${kickstart_file}";
+ $install_guest->boot_cmdline($cmdline);
+ $install_guest->interface(type => $network,
+ source => $source,
+ model => $model,
+ mac => $mac);
+ } else {
+ # prepare to boot from disk
+ $install_guest = $tck->generic_domain("tckboot");
+ $install_guest->clear_kernel_initrd_cmdline();
+ $install_guest->interface(type => $network,
+ source => $source,
+ model => $model,
+ mac => $mac,
+ filterref => $filterref);
+ }
+ # common configuration
+ $install_guest->maxmem("524288");
+ $install_guest->memory("524288");
+ # replace disk from generic_domain with our own
+ $install_guest->rmdisk();
+ $install_guest->disk(src => $disk_path,
+ dst => "sda",
+ type=> "file");
+ $install_guest->graphics(type => "vnc",
+ port => "-1",
+ autoport => "yes",
+ listen => "",
+ keymap => "de");
+ my $guest_xml = $install_guest->as_xml;
+ diag $guest_xml;
+ diag "defining guest";
+ my $domtest = undef;
+ $domtest = $conn->define_domain($guest_xml);
+ my $xmltest = $domtest->get_xml_description;
+ diag $xmltest;
+ return $domtest;
+sub shutdown_vm_gracefully{
+ my $dom = shift;
+ $dom->shutdown;
+ while($dom->is_active()) {
+ sleep(1);
+ diag ".. waiting for virtual machine to shutdown.. ";
+ }
+ sleep(1);
+ diag ".. shutdown complete.. ";
+sub prepare_test_disk_and_vm{
+my $tck = shift;
+my $conn = shift;
+my $domain_name = shift;
+my $disk_size = "2147483648";
+# find disk or create new one
+my ($disk_path, $installed) = create_disk_if_not_exists($tck, $conn,
"${domain_name}.img", $disk_size);
+# if it is new we have to install it
+my $boot_from_disk = 0;
+if($installed == 0) {
+ my $testdom = build_and_boot_domain($tck, $conn, $disk_path, $boot_from_disk);
+ $testdom->create();
+ diag "wait for installation to finish .. ";
+ while($testdom->is_active()) {
+ sleep(10);
+ diag ".. to view progress connect to virtual machine ${domain_name} .. ";
+ }
+ # cleanup install domain
+ $testdom->undefine;
+ $testdom = undef;
+ sleep (10);
+ diag " .. done";
+ }
+# now the disk is installed and we can boot it
+$boot_from_disk = 1;
+my $testdom = build_and_boot_domain($tck, $conn, $disk_path, $boot_from_disk);
+return $testdom;
+sub create_disk_if_not_exists{
+ my $tck = shift;
+ my $conn = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $size = shift;
+ my $dir = $tck->bucket_dir("nwfilter");
+ my $target = catfile($dir, $name);
+# check for installation disk and build it if not exists
+ my $already_installed = 0;
+ my $pool_exists = 0;
+ my $poolname = "default";
+ diag("searching pool name: ${poolname}");
+ my $npools = $conn->num_of_storage_pools();
+ diag("found pools: ${npools}");
+ my @poolnames = $conn->list_storage_pool_names($npools);
+ my $pool;
+ foreach (@poolnames){
+ diag "pool: $_";
+ if (/${poolname}/) {
+ $pool_exists = 1;
+ my $pool = $conn->get_storage_pool_by_name($_);
+ }
+ }
+ diag " ${poolname} exists: ${pool_exists}";
+ if ($pool_exists == 0){
+ diag "Creating pool: ${poolname}";
+ my $poolxml = $tck->generic_pool("dir", $poolname)->as_xml;
+ diag $poolxml;
+ $pool = $conn->define_storage_pool($poolxml);
+ $pool->build(0);
+ $pool->create();
+ } else {
+ $pool = $conn->get_storage_pool_by_name($poolname);
+ }
+ my $nnames = $pool->num_of_storage_volumes();
+ my @volNames = $pool->list_storage_vol_names($nnames);
+ my $vol;
+ foreach (@volNames){
+ diag "volume: $_";
+ if (/${name}/) {
+ $already_installed = 1;
+ $vol = $pool->get_volume_by_name($_);
+ diag $vol->get_path();
+ }
+ }
+ diag "${name} disk already installed ${already_installed}";
+ if ($already_installed == 0){
+ diag "Creating ${target}";
+ my $volume = $tck->generic_volume($name, "raw", $size, "4",
+ $volume->allocation(4096);
+ my $volumexml = $volume->as_xml;
+ diag $volumexml;
+ $vol = $pool->create_volume($volumexml)
+ } else {
+ diag "${target} already exists";
+ }
+ return ($vol->get_path, $already_installed);