On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 05:10:17PM +0800, Guannan Ren wrote:
The set of patches is trying to add 'startupPolicy' attribute support
to the source element of hard disks. Policy levels are using the
mandatory, requisite, optional levels as originally documented.
For the 'optional' policy, there is a little difference from CDROM and
Floppy which only drop its source path, for disks, if missing, the
checking function will drop their definitions, because qemu doesn't
allow missing source path for hard disk.
What is the motivation for this feature ? I personally find even the
existing CDROM code for this to be of rather dubious value, so would
like to see a clear use case for why we need to expand this hack.
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http://live.gnome.org/gtk-vnc :|