This series has a collection of new methods to enable support for
virConnectGetAllDomainStats() to LXC driver. The only difference is Disk
Stats. It needs to consider only the host file system operations or any
other block device as a external disk or partition.
Julio Faracco (6):
lxc: Introduce method lxcConnectGetAllDomainStats().
lxc: Introduce method lxcDomainGetStats().
lxc: Introduce method lxcDomainGetStatsCpu().
lxc: Introduce method lxcDomainGetStatsState().
lxc: Introduce method lxcDomainGetBlockStats().
lxc: Introduce method lxcDomainGetBalloonStats().
src/lxc/lxc_driver.c | 357 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 357 insertions(+)