On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 03:24:00PM +0200, Marek 'marx' Grac wrote:
I know that there is no support for VMWare ESX yet but I would like to
know if someone is working on it. I need just three basic operations:
status/power on/power off but I never saw the source code of libvirt :)
Do you think it is possible to write this support (using VMWare API) in
acceptable time? week? month?
I have been looking at VMWare APIs a bit in the last weeks.
There is no support right now. I am tempted to access VMWare by
using the WEB service API (not the VIX one, I'm not sure it
would be able to connect remotely to a standard ESX).
The API is a bit complex (I'm certainly biased though)
and I'm not yet able to list to resources from C code. But
once you have a handle to the right VM it looks relatively easy
to get status and power on/off assuming the rights to do so.
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