I just want to forward this comment on from #virt so that we don't
lose it. It appears to be an incompatibility between libvirt 0.5.0
and recent KVM.
<knowinters> Hi, I'm using libvirt 0.5.0 with kvm-79, when I do virsh
save kvm replies with "unknown migration protocol: stdio". A state
file is created, but it's only 4K and when restored the vm boots from
scratch instead of starting where it was when i saved. I googled but
couldn't find a resolution. Is this a known issue?
<knowinters> nm i think i see what's happening.. it
<knowinters> 's using the exec: migration method to call dd to move
the state from stdio to a file
<knowinters> exec: isn't in kvm-79 i don't think, but i see it in git
so ill try that
Richard Jones, Emerging Technologies, Red Hat
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