On Mon, Aug 02, 2010 at 12:44:37PM -0500, Patrick Dignan wrote:
Hi all,
I wrote a patch to add support for listing the Vendor and Model of a
storage pool in the storage pool XML. This would allow vendor
extensions of specific devices. The patch includes a test for the new
attributes as well. I'd appreciate some feedback on it, and would like
get it merged when it's ready. Patch added at the bottom of the message.
2010-08-02 12:00:37.015538583 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<pool type='iscsi' vendor='test-vendor'
+ <name>virtimages</name>
+ <uuid>e9392370-2917-565e-692b-d057f46512d6</uuid>
We should avoid adding attributes to the top level <pool> tag.
The vendor/model is a piece of metadata associated with the
pool source, so it should be under
+ <source>
+ <host name="iscsi.example.com"/>
+ <device path="demo-target"/>
+ <auth type='chap' login='foobar' passwd='frobbar'/>
<vendor name='test-vendor'/>
<product name='test-product'/>
Also NB I called it 'product' instead of 'model', since that
matches the terminology we use in the node device XML format
+ </source>
+ <target>
+ <path>/dev/disk/by-path</path>
+ <permissions>
+ <mode>0700</mode>
+ <owner>0</owner>
+ <group>0</group>
+ </permissions>
+ </target>
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