On Mon, Sep 11, 2023 at 17:07:07 -0400, Collin Walling wrote:
- For information regarding the QEMU "static-recommended" (aka
CPU model, please see the analogous QEMU patches:
- Patches include caps added to QEMU 8.1 test files. This is a stand-in for the
interim and the appropriate caps files will be updated in the future pending
QEMU acceptance.
I went looking for the feature in qemu and couldn't find it, but you
explain it here.
Note that it's acceptable only as a RFC to gather feedback, but must not
be comitted in this form. The capability dumps must represent real qemu
capabilities, and thus hacks where you "backport" something are not
Once the qemu patches get commited upstream, it's okay if you create a
capability dump from the in-progress development cycle. We do that also
for x86_64.