David Shane Holden wrote:
On 02/07/14 02:51, Roman Bogorodskiy wrote:
> At this point it has a limited functionality and is highly
> experimental. Supported domain operations are:
> * define * start * destroy * dumpxml * dominfo
Tested this a bit and it works for me. I can define a domain, start,
stop, and ssh into it.
Thanks for testing!
+static int
+bhyveConnectGetVersion(virConnectPtr conn ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, unsigned
long *hvVer)
+ if (virParseVersionString("0.0.1", hvVer, true) < 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
Wouldn't it be better to define the version similar to how the uml
driver does it by using uname since bhyve is bound to the host kernel?
Good idea, added that to v6.
Roman Bogorodskiy