On 03/13/2013 01:37 PM, Laine Stump wrote:
My commit 7a2e845a865dc7fa82d2393ea2a770cfc8cf00b4 (and its
prerequisites) managed to effectively ignore the
clear_emulator_capabilities setting in qemu.conf (visible in the code
as the VIR_EXEC_CLEAR_CAPS flag when qemu is being exec'ed), with the
result that the capabilities are always cleared regardless of the
qemu.conf setting. This patch fixes it by passing the flag through to
virSetUIDGIDWithCaps(), which uses it to decide whether or not to
clear existing capabilities before adding in those that were
Note that the existing capabilities are *always* cleared if the new
process is going to run as non-root, since the whole point of running
non-root is to have the capabilities removed (it's still possible to
add back individual capabilities as needed though).
This will need to be backported to v1.0.3-maint.
Yeah, now that Fedora 19 has branched and settled on 1.0.3 as its
starting point, it looks like v1.0.3-maint will be getting lots of fixes :)
+ if (virSetUIDGIDWithCaps(cmd->uid, cmd->gid,
+ (cmd->flags & VIR_EXEC_CLEAR_CAPS)) < 0) {
While gnulib guarantees that we have <stdbool.h>, it also states that we
cannot rely on C99 rules for slamming random integers into 1 when
converting into a bool context (especially true for C89 compilers using
gnulib's emulation, but apparently there are also buggy C99 compilers
that miscompile things). This should use '(cmd->flags &
VIR_EXEC_CLEAR_CAPS) != 0' (or !! if you don't like != 0), just to be safe.
+ /* First drop all caps (unless the requested uid is
"unchanged" or
+ * root and clearExistingCaps wasn't requested), then add back
+ * those in capBits + the extra ones we need to change uid/gid and
+ * change the capabilities bounding set.
- capng_clear(CAPNG_SELECT_BOTH);
+ if (clearExistingCaps || (uid != 1 && uid != 0))
Did you mean uid != 0?
ACK with those problems addressed.
Eric Blake eblake redhat com +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library