for reasons mostly lost in the history, after the libvirt-ocaml
repository was converted to git, it was not used by its main author
(Rich Jones); the development continued on Rich's git, at
After a talk with Rich, we agreed that it was better to move the
development back to
libvirt.org, just like all the other bindings.
There are two problems however:
1) the first 38 commits have an bad author/committer date, and this is
also the reason why the existing libvirt-ocaml is not mirrored on
2) the top 3 commits on libvirt-ocaml were not integrated back to
Rich's ocaml-libvirt, and maybe their content might not be totally
OK (I will let Rich comment more on this)
While rewriting history is bad,
- most probably there are not many users of libvirt-ocaml around,
- the repository itself is very small (< 500k),
- in general it will better to have a working repository
So what I'm proposing is to replace the libvirt-ocaml repository with
a fixed version of Rich's ocaml-libvirt, and directly on the git hosting
side (i.e. not using force-push on the current one). Rich has already
commit access for libvirt, so there are no problems to keep his
maintainer role on it. Once done, we can notify users in this list
about it.
What do you think? Is it an acceptable path forward?
Pino Toscano