Hi All,
Here's a first cut of libxenlight driver for libvirt. The driver is
stateful and provides functionality for managed (persistent) domains.
The driver only maintains state for and manages domains under its
control, ignoring domains created by other libxenlight clients, e.g. xl.
As you can see, a fair number of the driver functions are implemented,
at least what I think constitutes a minimal set for upstream inclusion.
Are there any required functions missing?
I'm still looking into a problem with failure to restart a domain,
persistent or otherwise. E.g. virsh start|create domU; virsh shutdown
domU; virsh start|create domU. The second start/create fails in
libxenlight, but I've not yet tracked down the cause. Also, I've not
yet handled restart of libvirtd if domains are running - not sure if
this is a requirement for initial inclusion.
TIA for your review and comment.