On Fri, Dec 05, 2008 at 07:24:31PM +0100, Jim Meyering wrote:
This started when I noticed that a lot of virsh help output was
out of date. Dan Berrange suggested to generate the SYNTAX line
automatically based on existing option descriptions, since they tell us
what arguments/types each command accepts and can (usually) tell us when
options or arguments are optional.
Doing this exposed several inaccurate SYNTAX lines,
as well as some inaccurate option descriptions. But since
the option description structs are currently used only
to generate the text of ./virsh help's OPTIONS section,
it's not terribly important.
Other than changes to help output, this change induces some
minor user-visible changes:
It is currently undocumented that virsh accepts "-h C1 C2 C3..."
and treats it like "virsh help C1", ignoring C2 C3...
This change disables that feature (to clean up a few interfaces and to
make automatic help SYNTAX generation simpler) and makes virsh diagnose
any unused arguments with --help (-h), so now, this command fails rather
than trying to interpret "A" as a command:
$ virsh -h -c test:///default A
virsh: error: extra argument 'A'. See --help.
To view the other changes induced by this patch, I've run the
following commands:
v='virsh -c test:///default'
cmd=$(eval $v help|sed -n 's/^ \([^ ][^ ]*\) .*/\1/p')
for i in $(echo $cmd); do
diff -ubBw -L $i.orig -L $i.new <(eval $v help $i) <(eval ./$v help $i)
They use diff to compare e.g., the output of my just-built ./virsh
and the installed-in-PATH "virsh" program.
Note that there is currently no way via options to indicate that one
of two or more options must be selected, so the automatically generated
syntax string list both as independent options.
Here are the induced help changes:
[code diffs coming in separate messages]
Looks fine to me, all those diffs seems to fix errors in synopsis
or rename the arguments to be more coherent. I don't think breaking
the unspecified -h behaviour is a problem. So +1 from me !
thanks !
Daniel Veillard | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit
daniel(a)veillard.com | Rpmfind RPM search engine
http://veillard.com/ | virtualization library