[PATCH] [TEST] Add function to check state
by Kaitlin Rupert
# HG changeset patch
# User Kaitlin Rupert <karupert(a)us.ibm.com>
# Date 1231179092 28800
# Node ID 6f478a44ce06ad28bd0c5f019eeb0fff13c6e274
# Parent 7ff2982fa8c146251ba93d030da5024dae5ffa6d
[TEST] Add function to check state
Also clean up cim_state_change() and remove poll_for_state_change().
Signed-off-by: Kaitlin Rupert <karupert(a)us.ibm.com>
diff -r 7ff2982fa8c1 -r 6f478a44ce06 suites/libvirt-cim/lib/XenKvmLib/vxml.py
--- a/suites/libvirt-cim/lib/XenKvmLib/vxml.py Mon Dec 29 04:49:43 2008 -0800
+++ b/suites/libvirt-cim/lib/XenKvmLib/vxml.py Mon Jan 05 10:11:32 2009 -0800
@@ -526,44 +526,39 @@
return False
return ret[0] == 0
- def poll_for_state_change(self, server, domain_name, cs_class, keys,
- req_state, timeout):
- dom_cs = None
+ def check_guest_state(self, server, en_state, req_state=None):
+ if req_state is None:
+ req_state = en_state
+ cs_class = get_typed_class(self.virt, 'ComputerSystem')
+ keys = { 'Name' : self.domain_name, 'CreationClassName' : cs_class }
+ cs = GetInstance(server, cs_class, keys)
+ if cs.Name != self.domain_name:
+ raise Exception("Wrong guest instance")
- for i in range(1, (timeout + 1)):
- dom_cs = GetInstance(server, cs_class, keys)
- if dom_cs is None or dom_cs.Name != domain_name:
- continue
+ if cs.EnabledState != en_state:
+ raise Exception("EnabledState is %i, expected %i." % \
+ (cs.EnabledState, en_state))
- sleep(1)
- if dom_cs.EnabledState == req_state:
- break
+ if cs.RequestedState != req_state:
+ raise Exception("RequestedState is %i, expected %i." % \
+ (cs.RequestedState, req_state))
except Exception, detail:
- logger.error("In fn poll_for_state_change()")
+ logger.error("Unable to check guest state")
logger.error("Exception: %s" % detail)
return FAIL
- if dom_cs is None or dom_cs.Name != domain_name:
- logger.error("CS instance not returned for %s." % domain_name)
- return FAIL
- if dom_cs.EnabledState != req_state:
- logger.error("EnabledState is %i instead of %i.",
- dom_cs.EnabledState, req_state)
- logger.error("Try to increase the timeout and run the test again")
- return FAIL
return PASS
- def cim_state_change(self, server, virt, domain_name,
- req_state, req_timeout, poll_time):
+ def cim_state_change(self, server, req_state, req_timeout, poll_time):
cs = None
- cs_class = get_typed_class(virt, 'ComputerSystem')
- keys = { 'Name' : domain_name, 'CreationClassName' : cs_class }
+ cs_class = get_typed_class(self.virt, 'ComputerSystem')
+ keys = { 'Name' : self.domain_name, 'CreationClassName' : cs_class }
cs = GetInstance(server, cs_class, keys)
- if cs is None or cs.Name != domain_name:
+ if cs is None or cs.Name != self.domain_name:
return status
@@ -578,41 +573,44 @@
logger.error("Exception: %s", detail)
return FAIL
- status = self.poll_for_state_change(server, domain_name, cs_class, keys,
- req_state, poll_time)
+ for i in range(1, (poll_time + 1)):
+ status = self.check_guest_state(server, req_state)
+ if status == PASS:
+ break
return status
def cim_start(self, server, req_time=const.TIME, poll_time=30):
- return self.cim_state_change(server, self.virt, self.domain_name,
- const.CIM_ENABLE, req_time, poll_time)
+ return self.cim_state_change(server, const.CIM_ENABLE,
+ req_time, poll_time)
def cim_disable(self, server, req_time=const.TIME, poll_time=30):
- return self.cim_state_change(server, self.virt, self.domain_name,
- const.CIM_DISABLE, req_time, poll_time)
+ return self.cim_state_change(server, const.CIM_DISABLE,
+ req_time, poll_time)
def cim_shutdown(self, server, req_time=const.TIME, poll_time=30):
- return self.cim_state_change(server, self.virt, self.domain_name,
- const.CIM_SHUTDOWN, req_time, poll_time)
+ return self.cim_state_change(server, const.CIM_SHUTDOWN,
+ req_time, poll_time)
def cim_no_state_change(self, server, req_time=const.TIME, poll_time=30):
- return self.cim_state_change(server, self.virt, self.domain_name,
- const.CIM_NOCHANGE, req_time, poll_time)
+ return self.cim_state_change(server, const.CIM_NOCHANGE,
+ req_time, poll_time)
def cim_suspend(self, server, req_time=const.TIME, poll_time=30):
- return self.cim_state_change(server, self.virt, self.domain_name,
- const.CIM_SUSPEND, req_time, poll_time)
+ return self.cim_state_change(server, const.CIM_SUSPEND,
+ req_time, poll_time)
def cim_pause(self, server, req_time=const.TIME, poll_time=30):
- return self.cim_state_change(server, self.virt, self.domain_name,
- const.CIM_PAUSE, req_time, poll_time)
+ return self.cim_state_change(server, const.CIM_PAUSE,
+ req_time, poll_time)
def cim_reboot(self, server, req_time=const.TIME, poll_time=30):
- return self.cim_state_change(server, self.virt, self.domain_name,
- const.CIM_REBOOT, req_time, poll_time)
+ return self.cim_state_change(server, const.CIM_REBOOT,
+ req_time, poll_time)
def cim_reset(self, server, req_time=const.TIME, poll_time=30):
- return self.cim_state_change(server, self.virt, self.domain_name,
- const.CIM_RESET, req_time, poll_time)
+ return self.cim_state_change(server, const.CIM_RESET,
+ req_time, poll_time)
class XenXML(VirtXML, VirtCIM):
16 years, 1 month
[PATCH] [TEST]#6 Add new test to verify enum of DiskRASD to have EmulatedType=0 for Disk and EmulatedType=1 for CDROM
by yunguol@cn.ibm.com
# HG changeset patch
# User Guolian Yun <yunguol(a)cn.ibm.com>
# Date 1230607499 28800
# Node ID ed69cafdfc5d43fa8864edb62e774d8c53bf4d55
# Parent 5849e413cc6e3d3330d11fbda9e9b954af774ac0
[TEST]#6 Add new test to verify enum of DiskRASD to have EmulatedType=0 for Disk and EmulatedType=1 for CDROM
I cann't connect to the machine for Xen test, so this patch only supports KVM now
Signed-off-by: Guolian Yun <yunguol(a)cn.ibm.com>
diff -r 5849e413cc6e -r ed69cafdfc5d suites/libvirt-cim/cimtest/RASD/05_disk_rasd_emu_type.py
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/suites/libvirt-cim/cimtest/RASD/05_disk_rasd_emu_type.py Mon Dec 29 19:24:59 2008 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# Copyright 2008 IBM Corp.
+# Authors:
+# Guolian Yun <yunguol(a)cn.ibm.com>
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import sys
+from XenKvmLib.enumclass import EnumInstances
+from XenKvmLib.classes import get_typed_class
+from XenKvmLib.common_util import parse_instance_id
+from XenKvmLib.const import do_main
+from XenKvmLib.vxml import get_class
+from CimTest.ReturnCodes import PASS, FAIL
+from CimTest.Globals import logger, CIM_ERROR_ENUMERATE
+from XenKvmLib.const import get_provider_version
+default_dom = 'test_domain'
+libvirt_em_type_changeset = 737
+def main():
+ status = FAIL
+ options = main.options
+ curr_cim_rev, changeset = get_provider_version(options.virt, options.ip)
+ if curr_cim_rev < libvirt_em_type_changeset:
+ return SKIP
+ emu_types = [0, 1]
+ try:
+ for exp_emu_type in emu_types:
+ cxml = get_class(options.virt)(default_dom, emu_type=exp_emu_type)
+ ret = cxml.cim_define(options.ip)
+ if not ret:
+ logger.error("Failed to call DefineSystem()")
+ return FAIL
+ drasd= get_typed_class(options.virt,'DiskResourceAllocationSettingData')
+ drasd_list = EnumInstances(options.ip, drasd, ret_cim_inst=True)
+ if len(drasd_list) < 1:
+ raise Exception("%s returned %i instances, expected at least 1",
+ drasd, len(drasd_list))
+ found_rasd = None
+ for rasd in drasd_list:
+ guest, dev, status = parse_instance_id(rasd['InstanceID'])
+ if status != PASS:
+ raise Exception("Unable to parse InstanceID: %s" \
+ % rasd['InstanceID'])
+ if guest == default_dom:
+ if rasd['EmulatedType'] == exp_emu_type:
+ found_rasd = rasd
+ status = PASS
+ break
+ else:
+ raise Exception("EmulatedType Mismatch: got %d,"
+ "expected %d", (rasd['EmulatedType'],
+ exp_emu_type))
+ if found_rasd is None:
+ raise Exception("DiskRASD for define dom was not found")
+ except Exception, detail:
+ logger.error("Exception: %s", detail)
+ status = FAIL
+ cxml.undefine(options.ip)
+ return status
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(main())
diff -r 5849e413cc6e -r ed69cafdfc5d suites/libvirt-cim/lib/XenKvmLib/vsms.py
--- a/suites/libvirt-cim/lib/XenKvmLib/vsms.py Tue Dec 23 13:51:22 2008 -0800
+++ b/suites/libvirt-cim/lib/XenKvmLib/vsms.py Mon Dec 29 19:24:59 2008 -0800
@@ -126,8 +126,10 @@
# classes to define RASD parameters
class CIM_DiskResourceAllocationSettingData(CIMClassMOF):
- def __init__(self, dev, source, name):
+ def __init__(self, dev, source, name, emu_type=None):
self.ResourceType = RASD_TYPE_DISK
+ if emu_type != None:
+ self.EmulatedType = emu_type
if dev != None:
self.VirtualDevice = dev
self.InstanceID = '%s/%s' % (name, dev)
@@ -239,6 +241,7 @@
+ emu_type=None,
vssd = get_vssd_mof(virt, dom_name)
@@ -252,7 +255,7 @@
elif virt == 'LXC':
disk_dev = const.LXC_default_mp
disk_source = const.LXC_default_source
- d = class_dasd(disk_dev, disk_source, dom_name)
+ d = class_dasd(disk_dev, disk_source, dom_name, emu_type)
class_masd = get_masd_class(virt)
m = class_masd(
diff -r 5849e413cc6e -r ed69cafdfc5d suites/libvirt-cim/lib/XenKvmLib/vxml.py
--- a/suites/libvirt-cim/lib/XenKvmLib/vxml.py Tue Dec 23 13:51:22 2008 -0800
+++ b/suites/libvirt-cim/lib/XenKvmLib/vxml.py Mon Dec 29 19:24:59 2008 -0800
@@ -466,11 +466,13 @@
class VirtCIM:
def __init__(self, virt, dom_name, disk_dev, disk_source,
- net_type, net_name, net_mac, vcpus, mem, mem_allocunits):
+ net_type, net_name, net_mac, vcpus, mem,
+ mem_allocunits, emu_type):
self.virt = virt
self.domain_name = dom_name
self.vssd = vsms.get_vssd_mof(virt, dom_name)
- self.dasd = vsms.get_dasd_class(virt)(disk_dev, disk_source, dom_name)
+ self.dasd = vsms.get_dasd_class(virt)(disk_dev, disk_source,
+ dom_name, emu_type)
self.nasd = vsms.get_nasd_class(virt)(type=net_type,
@@ -687,13 +689,15 @@
- net_name=const.default_network_name):
+ net_name=const.default_network_name,
+ emu_type=None):
if not os.path.exists(disk_file_path):
logger.error('Error: Disk image does not exist')
VirtXML.__init__(self, 'kvm', test_dom, set_uuid(), mem, vcpus)
VirtCIM.__init__(self, 'KVM', test_dom, disk, disk_file_path,
- ntype, net_name, mac, vcpus, mem, mem_allocunits)
+ ntype, net_name, mac, vcpus, mem,
+ mem_allocunits, emu_type)
self._devices(const.KVM_default_emulator, ntype,
disk_file_path, disk, mac, net_name)
16 years, 1 month
[PATCH] [TEST] Fixing 41_cs_to_settingdefinestate.py CS tc
by Deepti B. Kalakeri
# HG changeset patch
# User Deepti B. Kalakeri <deeptik(a)linux.vnet.ibm.com>
# Date 1230733277 28800
# Node ID 7e5820001e1f1dbcc8b58b22f7c0506f5a56e288
# Parent 5849e413cc6e3d3330d11fbda9e9b954af774ac0
[TEST] Fixing 41_cs_to_settingdefinestate.py CS tc.
This test has been almost re-written to accomdate latest library changes.
1) cim_define and cim_start usage.
2) Use the library fn enum_rasd().
3) Removed unnecessary import statements.
4) Algined the tc to 80 columns.
Tested with KVM on current sources.
Signed-off-by: Deepti B. Kalakeri <deeptik(a)linux.vnet.ibm.com>
diff -r 5849e413cc6e -r 7e5820001e1f suites/libvirt-cim/cimtest/ComputerSystem/41_cs_to_settingdefinestate.py
--- a/suites/libvirt-cim/cimtest/ComputerSystem/41_cs_to_settingdefinestate.py Tue Dec 23 13:51:22 2008 -0800
+++ b/suites/libvirt-cim/cimtest/ComputerSystem/41_cs_to_settingdefinestate.py Wed Dec 31 06:21:17 2008 -0800
@@ -60,17 +60,13 @@
from VirtLib import utils
from XenKvmLib.vxml import get_class
from XenKvmLib.classes import get_typed_class
-from XenKvmLib.test_doms import destroy_and_undefine_all
-from XenKvmLib.assoc import Associators, AssociatorNames
-from CimTest.Globals import logger, CIM_ERROR_ASSOCIATORNAMES, \
+from XenKvmLib.assoc import Associators, AssociatorNames, compare_all_prop
+from CimTest.Globals import logger, CIM_ERROR_ASSOCIATORS
from XenKvmLib.const import do_main
from CimTest.ReturnCodes import PASS, FAIL
-from XenKvmLib import rasd
-from XenKvmLib.rasd import verify_procrasd_values, verify_netrasd_values, \
-verify_diskrasd_values, verify_memrasd_values, rasd_init_list
-from XenKvmLib.common_util import poll_for_state_change
-from XenKvmLib.classes import get_typed_class
+from XenKvmLib.rasd import enum_rasds
+from XenKvmLib.enumclass import GetInstance
+from XenKvmLib.common_util import parse_instance_id
sup_types = ['Xen', 'XenFV', 'KVM']
@@ -79,91 +75,39 @@
test_mem = 128
test_mac = "00:11:22:33:44:aa"
-def vssd_init_list(virt):
- """
- Creating the lists that will be used for comparisons.
- """
- if virt == 'XenFV':
- virt = 'Xen'
- vssd_values = {
- 'Caption' : "Virtual System",
- 'InstanceID' : '%s:%s' % (virt, test_dom),
- 'ElementName' : test_dom,
- 'VirtualSystemIdentifier' : test_dom,
- 'VirtualSystemType' : virt,
- 'Classname' : get_typed_class(virt,
- "VirtualSystemSettingData")
- }
- return vssd_values
-def cs_init_list(cs_dom):
- """
- Creating the lists that will be used for comparisons.
- """
- cs_values = {
- 'Caption' : cs_dom.Caption,
- 'EnabledState' : cs_dom.EnabledState,
- 'RequestedState' : cs_dom.RequestedState,
- 'CreationClassName' : cs_dom.CreationClassName,
- 'Name' : cs_dom.Name
- }
- return cs_values
-def setup_env(server, virt, test_disk):
+def setup_env(server, virt):
vsxml_info = None
- status = PASS
- destroy_and_undefine_all(server)
virt_xml = get_class(virt)
vsxml_info = virt_xml(test_dom, mem = test_mem,
- mac = test_mac,
- disk = test_disk)
+ mac = test_mac)
- ret = vsxml_info.create(server)
+ ret = vsxml_info.cim_define(server)
if not ret:
- logger.error("Failed to create the dom: %s", test_dom)
- status = FAIL
+ logger.error("Failed to define the dom: %s", test_dom)
+ return FAIL, vsxml_info
- return status, vsxml_info
+ status = vsxml_info.cim_start(server)
+ if not ret:
+ logger.error("Failed to start the dom: %s", test_dom)
+ vsxml_info.undefine(server)
+ return FAIL, vsxml_info
+ return PASS, vsxml_info
def print_err(err, detail, cn):
logger.error(err % cn)
logger.error("Exception: %s", detail)
-def vssd_sds_err( an, fieldname, ret_val, exp_val):
- error = "Mismatching %s Values in %s association"
- details = "Returned %s instead of %s"
- err = error % (fieldname, an)
- detail = details % (ret_val, exp_val)
- logger.error(err)
- logger.error(detail)
+def check_len(an, assoc_list_info, qcn, exp_len):
+ if len(assoc_list_info) != exp_len:
+ logger.error("%s returned %i %s objects", an,
+ len(assoc_list_info), qcn)
+ return FAIL
+ return PASS
-def get_associatornames_info(server, virt, vsxml, cn, an, qcn, name):
- status = PASS
- assoc_info = []
- try:
- assoc_info = AssociatorNames(server,
- an,
- cn,
- CreationClassName=cn,
- Name = name)
- if len(assoc_info) < 1:
- logger.error("%s returned %i %s objects" % (an, len(assoc_info), qcn))
- status = FAIL
- except Exception, detail:
- print_err(CIM_ERROR_ASSOCIATORNAMES, detail, cn)
- status = FAIL
- if status != PASS:
- vsxml.destroy(server)
- return status, assoc_info
-def get_associators_info(server, virt, vsxml, cn, an, qcn, instid):
+def get_associators_info(server, virt, cn, an, qcn, instid):
status = PASS
assoc_info = []
@@ -180,228 +124,168 @@
print_err(CIM_ERROR_ASSOCIATORS, detail, cn)
status = FAIL
- if status != PASS:
- vsxml.destroy(server)
return status, assoc_info
-def check_len(an, assoc_list_info, qcn, exp_len):
- if len(assoc_list_info) != exp_len:
- logger.error("%s returned %i %s objects", an,
- len(assoc_list_info), qcn)
- return FAIL
- return PASS
+def init_rasd_list(virt, ip):
+ rasd_insts = {}
+ rasds, status = enum_rasds(virt, ip)
+ if status != PASS:
+ logger.error("Enum RASDs failed")
+ return rasd_insts, status
-def get_SDS_verify_RASD_build_vssdc_input(server, virt, vsxml,
- test_disk, sd_assoc_info):
- status = PASS
+ for rasd_cn, rasd_list in rasds.iteritems():
+ for rasd in rasd_list:
+ guest, dev, status = parse_instance_id(rasd.InstanceID)
+ if status != PASS:
+ logger.error("Unable to parse InstanceID: %s" % rasd.InstanceID)
+ return rasd_insts, FAIL
+ if guest == test_dom:
+ rasd_insts[rasd.Classname] = rasd
+ return rasd_insts, PASS
+def get_SDS_verify_RASD_build_vssdc_input(server, virt, an, cs_cn,
+ rasd_values, sd_assoc_info):
in_setting_define_state = {}
in_vssdc = {}
- prasd = get_typed_class(virt, 'ProcResourceAllocationSettingData')
- mrasd = get_typed_class(virt, 'MemResourceAllocationSettingData')
- nrasd = get_typed_class(virt, 'NetResourceAllocationSettingData')
- drasd = get_typed_class(virt, 'DiskResourceAllocationSettingData')
# Building the input for SettingsDefineState association.
- for i in range(len(sd_assoc_info)):
- if sd_assoc_info[i]['SystemName'] == test_dom:
- classname_keyvalue = sd_assoc_info[i]['CreationClassName']
- deviceid = sd_assoc_info[i]['DeviceID']
+ for sd_val in sd_assoc_info:
+ if sd_val['SystemName'] == test_dom:
+ classname_keyvalue = sd_val['CreationClassName']
+ deviceid = sd_val['DeviceID']
in_setting_define_state[classname_keyvalue] = deviceid
- # Expect the SystemDevice to return 4 logical device records.
- # one each for memory, network, disk and processor and hence 4.
- # and hence expect the in_setting_define_state to contain just 4 entries.
- an = get_typed_class(virt, "SystemDevice")
+ # Expect the SystemDevice records == len(rasd_values) entries.
qcn = "Logical Devices"
- exp_len = 4
+ exp_len = len(rasd_values)
if check_len(an, in_setting_define_state, qcn, exp_len) != PASS:
return FAIL, in_setting_define_state
- # Get the rasd values that will be used to compare with the SettingsDefineState
- # output.
- status, rasd_values, in_list = rasd_init_list(vsxml, virt, test_disk,
- test_dom, test_mac,
- test_mem)
- if status != PASS:
- return status, rasd_values
- sccn = get_typed_class(virt,"ComputerSystem")
an = get_typed_class(virt,"SettingsDefineState")
for cn, devid in sorted(in_setting_define_state.items()):
- assoc_info = Associators(server,
- an,
- cn,
- DeviceID = devid,
+ assoc_info = Associators(server, an, cn, DeviceID = devid,
CreationClassName = cn,
SystemName = test_dom,
- SystemCreationClassName = sccn)
+ SystemCreationClassName = cs_cn)
- # we expect only one RASD record to be returned for each device that is used to
- # query with the SettingsDefineState association.
+ # we expect only one RASD record to be returned for each device
+ # type when queried with SDS association.
if len(assoc_info) != 1:
- logger.error("%s returned %i %s objects" % (an, len(assoc_info), cn))
- status = FAIL
- break
- index = (len(assoc_info) - 1)
- rasd = rasd_values[cn]
- CCName = assoc_info[index].classname
- if CCName == prasd:
- status = verify_procrasd_values(assoc_info[index], rasd)
- elif CCName == nrasd:
- status = verify_netrasd_values(assoc_info[index], rasd)
- elif CCName == drasd:
- status = verify_diskrasd_values(assoc_info[index], rasd)
- elif CCName == mrasd:
- status = verify_memrasd_values(assoc_info[index], rasd)
- else:
- status = FAIL
- if status != PASS:
- logger.error("Mistmatching RASD values" )
- break
- vs_name = assoc_info[index]['InstanceID']
+ logger.error("%s returned %d %s objects",
+ an, len(assoc_info), cn)
+ return FAIL, in_vssdc
+ assoc_val = assoc_info[0]
+ CCName = assoc_val.classname
+ exp_rasd = rasd_values[CCName]
+ if assoc_val['InstanceID'] != exp_rasd.InstanceID:
+ logger.error("Got %s instead of %s"
+ % (assoc_val['InstanceID'], exp_rasd.InstanceID))
+ return FAIL, in_vssdc
+ # Build the input required for VSSDC association query.
+ vs_name = assoc_val['InstanceID']
if vs_name.find(test_dom) >= 0:
- instid = assoc_info[index]['InstanceID']
+ instid = assoc_val['InstanceID']
in_vssdc[CCName] = instid
except Exception, detail:
print_err(CIM_ERROR_ASSOCIATORS, detail, an)
- status = FAIL
- return status, in_vssdc
+ return FAIL, in_vssdc
+ return PASS, in_vssdc
-def verify_fields(an, field_name, vssd_cs_assoc_info, vssd_cs_values):
- if vssd_cs_assoc_info[field_name] != vssd_cs_values[field_name]:
- vssd_sds_err(an, field_name, vssd_cs_assoc_info[field_name], \
- vssd_cs_values[field_name])
- return FAIL
- return PASS
-def verify_VSSD_values(assoc_info, vssd_values, an, qcn):
- # We expect that VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent returns only one
- # VirtualSystemSettingData object when queried with disk, processor,
- # network and memory rasd's and all of them return the same output.
+def verify_values(assoc_info, vssd_cs_values, an, qcn):
exp_len = 1
if check_len(an, assoc_info, qcn, exp_len) != PASS:
return FAIL
- vssd_assoc = assoc_info[0]
- if verify_fields(an, 'Caption', vssd_assoc, vssd_values) != PASS:
- return FAIL
- if verify_fields(an, 'InstanceID', vssd_assoc, vssd_values) != PASS:
- return FAIL
- if verify_fields(an, 'ElementName', vssd_assoc, vssd_values) != PASS:
- return FAIL
- if verify_fields(an, 'VirtualSystemIdentifier', vssd_assoc, vssd_values) != PASS:
- return FAIL
- if verify_fields(an, 'VirtualSystemType', vssd_assoc, vssd_values) != PASS:
- return FAIL
- if vssd_assoc.classname != vssd_values['Classname']:
- vssd_sds_err(an, 'Classname', vssd_assoc.classname,
- vssd_values['Classname'])
- return FAIL
- return PASS
-def verify_CS_values(assoc_info, cs_values, an, qcn):
- exp_len = 1
- if check_len(an, assoc_info, qcn, exp_len) != PASS:
- return FAIL
- cs_assoc = assoc_info[0]
- if verify_fields(an, 'Caption', cs_assoc, cs_values) != PASS:
- return FAIL
- if verify_fields(an, 'EnabledState', cs_assoc, cs_values) != PASS:
- return FAIL
- if verify_fields(an, 'RequestedState', cs_assoc, cs_values) != PASS:
- return FAIL
- if verify_fields(an, 'CreationClassName', cs_assoc, cs_values) != PASS:
- return FAIL
- if verify_fields(an, 'Name', cs_assoc, cs_values) != PASS:
- return FAIL
- return PASS
+ vssd_cs_assoc = assoc_info[0]
+ return compare_all_prop(vssd_cs_assoc, vssd_cs_values)
def main():
server = main.options.ip
virt = main.options.virt
- if virt == 'Xen':
- test_disk = "xvda"
- else:
- test_disk = "hda"
- status, vsxml = setup_env(server, virt, test_disk)
+ status, vsxml = setup_env(server, virt)
if status != PASS:
return status
+ try:
+ cs_class = get_typed_class(virt, 'ComputerSystem')
+ keys = { 'Name' : test_dom, 'CreationClassName' : cs_class }
+ dom_cs = GetInstance(server, cs_class, keys)
+ if dom_cs.Name != test_dom and dom_cs.RequestedState != 0:
+ raise Exception("Instance matching %s was not returned" % test_dom)
- status, cs_dom = poll_for_state_change(server, virt, test_dom, 2,
- timeout=10)
- if status != PASS and cs_dom.RequestedState != 0:
- vsxml.destroy(server)
- return FAIL
+ an = get_typed_class(virt, 'SystemDevice')
+ qcn = 'Logical Devices'
+ sd_assoc = AssociatorNames(server, an, cs_class,
+ CreationClassName=cs_class,
+ Name = test_dom)
+ if len(sd_assoc) < 1:
+ raise Exception ("%s returned %d %s objects" \
+ % (an, len(sd_assoc), qcn))
- # Creating the cs info list which will be used later for comparison.
- cs_values = cs_init_list(cs_dom)
- cn = cs_dom.CreationClassName
- an = get_typed_class(virt, 'SystemDevice')
- qcn = 'Logical Devices'
- name = test_dom
- status, sd_assoc_info = get_associatornames_info(server, virt, vsxml,
- cn, an, qcn, name)
- if status != PASS or len(sd_assoc_info) == 0:
- return status
+ rasd_val, status = init_rasd_list(virt, server)
+ status, in_vssdc_list = get_SDS_verify_RASD_build_vssdc_input(server,
+ virt, an,
+ cs_class,
+ rasd_val,
+ sd_assoc)
+ exp_len = len(rasd_val)
+ if status !=PASS or check_len(an, in_vssdc_list, qcn, exp_len) != PASS:
+ raise Exception ("Failed to get VSSDC info")
- status, in_vssdc_list = get_SDS_verify_RASD_build_vssdc_input(server, virt,
- vsxml, test_disk,
- sd_assoc_info)
- if status != PASS or len(in_vssdc_list) == 0 :
- vsxml.destroy(server)
- return status
+ # Get the vssd values which will be used for verifying the
+ # VSSD output from the VSSDC results.
+ vssd_class = get_typed_class(virt, 'VirtualSystemSettingData')
+ if virt == "XenFV":
+ instIdval = "Xen:%s" % test_dom
+ else:
+ instIdval = "%s:%s" % (virt, test_dom)
+ keys = { 'InstanceID' : instIdval }
+ vssd_values = GetInstance(server, vssd_class, keys)
+ if vssd_values.ElementName != test_dom:
+ raise Exception ("Instance matching %s was not returned" \
+ % test_dom)
- # Verifying that the in_vssdc_list contains 4 entries one each for mem rasd,
- # network rasd, processor rasd and disk rasd.
- exp_len = 4
- if check_len(an, in_vssdc_list, qcn, exp_len) != PASS:
- vsxml.destroy(server)
- return FAIL
+ an = get_typed_class(virt, 'VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent')
+ for cn, instid in sorted((in_vssdc_list.items())):
+ status, vssd_assoc_info = get_associators_info(server, virt, cn, an,
+ vssd_class, instid)
+ if status != PASS or len(vssd_assoc_info) == 0:
+ raise Exception ("Failed to get VSSD info")
- # Get the vssd values which will be used for verifying the
- # VirtualSystemSettingData output from the
- # VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent results.
- vssd_values = vssd_init_list(virt)
- an = get_typed_class(virt, 'VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent')
- qcn = get_typed_class(virt, 'VirtualSystemSettingData')
- for cn, instid in sorted((in_vssdc_list.items())):
- status, vssd_assoc_info = get_associators_info(server, virt, vsxml, cn,
- an, qcn, instid)
- if status != PASS or len(vssd_assoc_info) == 0:
- break
- status = verify_VSSD_values(vssd_assoc_info, vssd_values, an, qcn)
- if status != PASS:
- break
- if status != PASS:
- vsxml.destroy(server)
- return status
+ status = verify_values(vssd_assoc_info, vssd_values, an, qcn)
+ if status != PASS:
+ raise Exception ("VSSD values verification error")
- # Since the VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent returns similar
- # output when queried with every RASD, we are taking the output of
- # the last associtaion query as inputs for
- # querying SettingsDefineState.
- cn = vssd_assoc_info[0].classname
- an = get_typed_class(virt, 'SettingsDefineState')
- qcn = get_typed_class(virt, 'ComputerSystem')
- instid = vssd_assoc_info[0]['InstanceID']
- status, cs_assoc_info = get_associators_info(server, virt, vsxml, cn,
- an, qcn, instid)
- if status != PASS or len(cs_assoc_info) == 0:
- return status
+ # Since the VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent returns similar
+ # output when queried with every RASD, we are taking the output of
+ # the last associtaion query as inputs for
+ # querying SettingsDefineState.
+ cn = vssd_assoc_info[0].classname
+ an = get_typed_class(virt, 'SettingsDefineState')
+ instid = vssd_assoc_info[0]['InstanceID']
+ status, cs_assoc_info = get_associators_info(server, virt, cn, an,
+ cs_class, instid)
+ if status != PASS or len(cs_assoc_info) == 0:
+ raise Exception ("Failed to get assoc info for dom: %s", test_dom)
- # verify the results of SettingsDefineState with the cs_values list that was
- # built using the output of the enumeration on ComputerSystem.
- status = verify_CS_values(cs_assoc_info, cs_values, an, qcn)
+ # verify the results of SettingsDefineState with the cs_values list that was
+ # built using the output of the GetInstance on ComputerSystem.
+ status = verify_values(cs_assoc_info, dom_cs, an, cs_class)
+ except Exception, details:
+ logger.error("Exception details is %s", details)
+ status = FAIL
+ vsxml.undefine(server)
return status
if __name__ == "__main__":
16 years, 1 month
[PATCH] [TEST] Update CS 06_paused_active_suspend.py to use cim_() functions
by Kaitlin Rupert
# HG changeset patch
# User Kaitlin Rupert <karupert(a)us.ibm.com>
# Date 1230073744 28800
# Node ID f95c0c4d4ef6d807262ba06f5087caa80156d917
# Parent a9826c20a65bc16c2c205b183e4fa8eafde08d30
[TEST] Update CS 06_paused_active_suspend.py to use cim_() functions.
This test has been re-written so it is now easier to read and flows better.
Signed-off-by: Kaitlin Rupert <karupert(a)us.ibm.com>
diff -r a9826c20a65b -r f95c0c4d4ef6 suites/libvirt-cim/cimtest/ComputerSystem/06_paused_active_suspend.py
--- a/suites/libvirt-cim/cimtest/ComputerSystem/06_paused_active_suspend.py Tue Dec 23 15:03:40 2008 -0800
+++ b/suites/libvirt-cim/cimtest/ComputerSystem/06_paused_active_suspend.py Tue Dec 23 15:09:04 2008 -0800
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
# information related to this is captured in the RequestedState Property
# of the VS.
# The test is considered to be successful if RequestedState Property
-# has a value of "9" when the VS is moved from active to suspend state.
+# has a value of "9" when the VS is moved from active to paused state.
# List of Valid state values (Refer to VSP spec doc Table 2 for more)
# ---------------------------------
@@ -35,27 +35,22 @@
# Defined | 3
# Active | 2
# Paused | 9
-# Suspended | 6
# Date :18-10-2007
import sys
-from XenKvmLib import vxml
-from VirtLib import utils
-from XenKvmLib.test_doms import destroy_and_undefine_all
+from XenKvmLib.vxml import get_class
from CimTest.Globals import logger
from XenKvmLib.const import do_main
-from XenKvmLib.common_util import call_request_state_change, \
from CimTest.ReturnCodes import PASS, FAIL, XFAIL_RC
+from XenKvmLib.classes import get_typed_class
+from XenKvmLib.enumclass import GetInstance
sup_types = ['Xen', 'KVM', 'XenFV', 'LXC']
test_dom = "DomST1"
-mem = 128 # MB
-TIME = "00000000000000.000000:000"
bug_libvirt = "00011"
@@ -65,69 +60,57 @@
server = options.ip
virt = options.virt
- destroy_and_undefine_all(server)
- cxml = vxml.get_class(virt)(test_dom, mem)
+ cxml = get_class(virt)(test_dom)
#Create VS
+ pause_failed = False
- ret = cxml.create(server)
+ ret = cxml.cim_define(server)
if not ret:
- logger.error("VS '%s' was not created" % test_dom)
- return status
+ raise Exception("VS '%s' was not defined" % test_dom)
+ status = cxml.cim_start(server)
+ if status != PASS:
+ raise Exception("Unable start dom '%s'" % test_dom)
+ cs_class = get_typed_class(virt, 'ComputerSystem')
+ keys = { 'Name' : test_dom, 'CreationClassName' : cs_class }
+ dom_cs = GetInstance(server, cs_class, keys)
+ if dom_cs.Name != test_dom:
+ raise Exception("Instance matching %s was not returned" % test_dom)
+ if int(dom_cs.EnabledState) != int(START_STATE):
+ raise Exception("%s start state is %s, exp %s" % (test_dom,
+ dom_cs.EnabledState, START_STATE))
+ #Pause the VS
+ status = cxml.cim_pause(server)
+ if status != PASS:
+ pause_failed = True
+ raise Exception("Unable pause dom '%s'" % test_dom)
+ cs = GetInstance(server, cs_class, keys)
+ if cs.Name != test_dom:
+ raise Exception("Instance matching %s was not returned" % test_dom)
+ if int(cs.EnabledState) != int(FINAL_STATE):
+ raise Exception("%s final state is %s, exp %s" % (test_dom,
+ cs.RequestedState, FINAL_STATE))
+ if int(cs.EnabledState) != int(cs.RequestedState):
+ raise Exception("%s enabled state %s != requested state %s" % \
+ (test_dom, cs.EnabledState, cs.RequestedState))
except Exception, detail:
logger.error("Exception variable: %s" % detail)
- return status
- status, dom_cs = poll_for_state_change(server, virt, test_dom,
- if status != PASS:
- cxml.destroy(server)
- return status
- from_State = dom_cs.EnabledState
- #Suspend the VS
- status = call_request_state_change(test_dom, server, FINAL_STATE,
- TIME, virt)
- if status != PASS:
- logger.error("Unable to suspend dom '%s' using RequestedStateChange()",
- test_dom)
- cxml.destroy(server)
- if virt == 'LXC':
- return XFAIL_RC(bug_libvirt)
- return status
- #Polling for the value of EnabledState to be set to 9.
- #We need to wait for the EnabledState to be set appropriately since
- #it does not get set immediatley to value of 9 when suspended.
- status, dom_cs = poll_for_state_change(server, virt, test_dom,
- FINAL_STATE, timeout=40)
- if status != PASS:
- cxml.destroy(server)
- return status
- enabledState = dom_cs.EnabledState
- to_RequestedState = dom_cs.RequestedState
- # Success:
- # if
- # From state == 2
- # To state == 9
- # Enabled_state == RequestedState
- if from_State == START_STATE and \
- to_RequestedState == FINAL_STATE and \
- to_RequestedState == enabledState:
- status = PASS
- else:
- logger.error("VS '%s' transition from Activate State to Suspend State"
- " was not Successful" % test_dom)
status = FAIL
+ cxml.undefine(options.ip)
+ if pause_failed and virt == 'LXC':
+ return XFAIL_RC(bug_libvirt)
return status
if __name__ == "__main__":
16 years, 1 month
Test Run Summary (Jan 05 2009): Xen on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.2 Beta (Tikanga) with Pegasus
by Deepti B Kalakeri
Test Run Summary (Jan 05 2009): Xen on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server
release 5.2 Beta (Tikanga) with Pegasus
Distro: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.2 Beta (Tikanga)
Kernel: 2.6.18-88.el5xen
libvirt: 0.3.3
Hypervisor: Xen 3.1.0
CIMOM: Pegasus 2.7.0
Libvirt-cim revision: 791
Libvirt-cim changeset: 3557859610b4
Cimtest revision: 576
Cimtest changeset: 7ff2982fa8c1
FAIL : 3
SKIP : 3
PASS : 133
Total : 140
FAIL Test Summary:
ComputerSystem - 41_cs_to_settingdefinestate.py: FAIL
RASD - 01_verify_rasd_fields.py: FAIL
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 02_host_migrate_type.py: FAIL
XFAIL Test Summary:
ComputerSystem - 33_suspend_reboot.py: XFAIL
SKIP Test Summary:
ComputerSystem - 02_nosystems.py: SKIP
LogicalDisk - 02_nodevs.py: SKIP
NetworkPort - 03_user_netport.py: SKIP
Full report:
AllocationCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
AllocationCapabilities - 02_alloccap_gi_errs.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 01_enum.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 02_nosystems.py: SKIP
ComputerSystem - 03_defineVS.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 04_defineStartVS.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 05_activate_defined_start.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 06_paused_active_suspend.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 22_define_suspend.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 23_suspend_suspend.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 27_define_suspend_errs.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 32_start_reboot.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 33_suspend_reboot.py: XFAIL
ERROR - In fn cim_state_change()
ERROR - Failed to change state of the domain 'test_domain'
ERROR - Exception: (7, u'CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED: State not supported')
ERROR - Exception: Unable Suspend dom 'test_domain'
InvokeMethod(RequestStateChange): CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED: State not supported
ComputerSystem - 35_start_reset.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 40_RSC_start.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 41_cs_to_settingdefinestate.py: FAIL
ERROR - Xen_SystemDevice returned 6 Logical Devices objects
ComputerSystem - 42_cs_gi_errs.py: PASS
ComputerSystemIndication - 01_created_indication.py: PASS
ElementAllocatedFromPool - 01_forward.py: PASS
ElementAllocatedFromPool - 02_reverse.py: PASS
ElementAllocatedFromPool - 03_reverse_errs.py: PASS
ElementAllocatedFromPool - 04_forward_errs.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 01_forward.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 02_reverse.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 05_hostsystem_cap.py: PASS
ElementConforms - 01_forward.py: PASS
ElementConforms - 02_reverse.py: PASS
ElementConforms - 03_ectp_fwd_errs.py: PASS
ElementConforms - 04_ectp_rev_errs.py: PASS
ElementSettingData - 01_forward.py: PASS
ElementSettingData - 03_esd_assoc_with_rasd_errs.py: PASS
EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities - 02_elecap_gi_errs.py: PASS
HostSystem - 01_enum.py: PASS
HostSystem - 02_hostsystem_to_rasd.py: PASS
HostSystem - 03_hs_to_settdefcap.py: PASS
HostSystem - 04_hs_to_EAPF.py: PASS
HostSystem - 05_hs_gi_errs.py: PASS
HostSystem - 06_hs_to_vsms.py: PASS
HostedDependency - 01_forward.py: PASS
HostedDependency - 02_reverse.py: PASS
HostedDependency - 03_enabledstate.py: PASS
HostedDependency - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
HostedResourcePool - 01_forward.py: PASS
HostedResourcePool - 02_reverse.py: PASS
HostedResourcePool - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
HostedResourcePool - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
HostedService - 01_forward.py: PASS
HostedService - 02_reverse.py: PASS
HostedService - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
HostedService - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
LogicalDisk - 01_disk.py: PASS
LogicalDisk - 02_nodevs.py: SKIP
ERROR - System has defined domains; unable to run
LogicalDisk - 03_ld_gi_errs.py: PASS
Memory - 01_memory.py: PASS
Memory - 02_defgetmem.py: PASS
Memory - 03_mem_gi_errs.py: PASS
NetworkPort - 01_netport.py: PASS
NetworkPort - 02_np_gi_errors.py: PASS
NetworkPort - 03_user_netport.py: SKIP
Processor - 01_processor.py: PASS
Processor - 02_definesys_get_procs.py: PASS
Processor - 03_proc_gi_errs.py: PASS
Profile - 01_enum.py: PASS
Profile - 02_profile_to_elec.py: PASS
Profile - 03_rprofile_gi_errs.py: PASS
RASD - 01_verify_rasd_fields.py: FAIL
ERROR - Mistmatching association values
RASD - 02_enum.py: PASS
RASD - 03_rasd_errs.py: PASS
RASD - 04_disk_rasd_size.py: PASS
RedirectionService - 01_enum_crs.py: PASS
RedirectionService - 02_enum_crscap.py: PASS
RedirectionService - 03_RedirectionSAP_errs.py: PASS
ReferencedProfile - 01_verify_refprof.py: PASS
ReferencedProfile - 02_refprofile_errs.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 01_forward.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 02_reverse.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 05_RAPF_err.py: PASS
ResourcePool - 01_enum.py: PASS
ResourcePool - 02_rp_gi_errors.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationCapabilities - 02_rpcc_gi_errs.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 01_enum.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 02_rcps_gi_errors.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 03_CreateResourcePool.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 04_CreateChildResourcePool.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 05_AddResourcesToResourcePool.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService -
06_RemoveResourcesFromResourcePool.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 07_DeleteResourcePool.py: PASS
SettingsDefine - 01_forward.py: PASS
SettingsDefine - 02_reverse.py: PASS
SettingsDefine - 03_sds_fwd_errs.py: PASS
SettingsDefine - 04_sds_rev_errs.py: PASS
SettingsDefineCapabilities - 01_forward.py: PASS
SettingsDefineCapabilities - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
SettingsDefineCapabilities - 04_forward_vsmsdata.py: PASS
SettingsDefineCapabilities - 05_reverse_vsmcap.py: PASS
SystemDevice - 01_forward.py: PASS
SystemDevice - 02_reverse.py: PASS
SystemDevice - 03_fwderrs.py: PASS
VSSD - 01_enum.py: PASS
VSSD - 02_bootldr.py: PASS
VSSD - 03_vssd_gi_errs.py: PASS
VSSD - 04_vssd_to_rasd.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementCapabilities - 02_vsmcap_gi_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 01_definesystem_name.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 02_destroysystem.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 03_definesystem_ess.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 04_definesystem_ers.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 05_destroysystem_neg.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 06_addresource.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 07_addresource_neg.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 08_modifyresource.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 09_procrasd_persist.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 10_hv_version.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 11_define_memrasdunits.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 12_referenced_config.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 13_refconfig_additional_devs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 14_define_sys_disk.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 15_mod_system_settings.py: PASS
VirtualSystemMigrationCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemMigrationCapabilities - 02_vsmc_gi_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 01_migratable_host.py: PASS
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 02_host_migrate_type.py: FAIL
ERROR - EnabledState is 9 instead of 2.
ERROR - Try to increase the timeout and run the test again
ERROR - Error start domain dom_migrate
ERROR - AttributeError : 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'destroy'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./lib/XenKvmLib/const.py", line 132, in do_try
File "02_host_migrate_type.py", line 184, in main
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'destroy'
ERROR - None
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 05_migratable_host_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemMigrationSettingData - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemMigrationSettingData - 02_vsmsd_gi_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - 01_forward.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - 02_reverse.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - 03_vssdc_fwd_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - 04_vssdc_rev_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSnapshotService - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSnapshotService - 02_vs_sservice_gi_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSnapshotServiceCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSnapshotServiceCapabilities - 02_vs_sservicecap_gi_errs.py:
Thanks and Regards,
16 years, 1 month
Test Run Summary (Jan 05 2009): KVM on Fedora release 10 (Cambridge) with Pegasus
by Guo Lian Yun
Test Run Summary (Jan 05 2009): KVM on Fedora release 10 (Cambridge) with
Distro: Fedora release 10 (Cambridge)
libvirt: Unknown
Hypervisor: Unknown
CIMOM: Pegasus 2.7.1
Libvirt-cim revision: 791
Libvirt-cim changeset: 3557859610b4
Cimtest revision: 576
Cimtest changeset: 7ff2982fa8c1
FAIL : 2
SKIP : 5
PASS : 131
Total : 140
FAIL Test Summary:
ComputerSystem - 41_cs_to_settingdefinestate.py: FAIL
RASD - 01_verify_rasd_fields.py: FAIL
XFAIL Test Summary:
ComputerSystem - 32_start_reboot.py: XFAIL
ComputerSystem - 33_suspend_reboot.py: XFAIL
SKIP Test Summary:
HostSystem - 05_hs_gi_errs.py: SKIP
VSSD - 02_bootldr.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 01_migratable_host.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 02_host_migrate_type.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 05_migratable_host_errs.py: SKIP
Full report:
AllocationCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
AllocationCapabilities - 02_alloccap_gi_errs.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 01_enum.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 02_nosystems.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 03_defineVS.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 04_defineStartVS.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 05_activate_defined_start.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 06_paused_active_suspend.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 22_define_suspend.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 23_suspend_suspend.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 27_define_suspend_errs.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 32_start_reboot.py: XFAIL
ERROR - Exception: (1, u'CIM_ERR_FAILED: Unable to reboot
domain: this function is not supported by the hypervisor:
ERROR - Unable to 'Reboot' dom 'cs_test_domain' using
InvokeMethod(RequestStateChange): CIM_ERR_FAILED: Unable to reboot domain:
this function is not supported by the hypervisor: virDomainReboot
ComputerSystem - 33_suspend_reboot.py: XFAIL
ERROR - In fn cim_state_change()
ERROR - Failed to change state of the domain 'test_domain'
ERROR - Exception: (7, u'CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED: State not
ERROR - Exception: Unable Suspend dom 'test_domain'
InvokeMethod(RequestStateChange): CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED: State not
ComputerSystem - 35_start_reset.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 40_RSC_start.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 41_cs_to_settingdefinestate.py: FAIL
ERROR - KVM_SystemDevice returned 6 Logical Devices objects
ComputerSystem - 42_cs_gi_errs.py: PASS
ComputerSystemIndication - 01_created_indication.py: PASS
ElementAllocatedFromPool - 01_forward.py: PASS
ElementAllocatedFromPool - 02_reverse.py: PASS
ElementAllocatedFromPool - 03_reverse_errs.py: PASS
ElementAllocatedFromPool - 04_forward_errs.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 01_forward.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 02_reverse.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 05_hostsystem_cap.py: PASS
ElementConforms - 01_forward.py: PASS
ElementConforms - 02_reverse.py: PASS
ElementConforms - 03_ectp_fwd_errs.py: PASS
ElementConforms - 04_ectp_rev_errs.py: PASS
ElementSettingData - 01_forward.py: PASS
ElementSettingData - 03_esd_assoc_with_rasd_errs.py: PASS
EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities - 02_elecap_gi_errs.py: PASS
HostSystem - 01_enum.py: PASS
HostSystem - 02_hostsystem_to_rasd.py: PASS
HostSystem - 03_hs_to_settdefcap.py: PASS
HostSystem - 04_hs_to_EAPF.py: PASS
HostSystem - 05_hs_gi_errs.py: SKIP
HostSystem - 06_hs_to_vsms.py: PASS
HostedDependency - 01_forward.py: PASS
HostedDependency - 02_reverse.py: PASS
HostedDependency - 03_enabledstate.py: PASS
HostedDependency - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
HostedResourcePool - 01_forward.py: PASS
HostedResourcePool - 02_reverse.py: PASS
HostedResourcePool - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
HostedResourcePool - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
HostedService - 01_forward.py: PASS
HostedService - 02_reverse.py: PASS
HostedService - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
HostedService - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
LogicalDisk - 01_disk.py: PASS
LogicalDisk - 02_nodevs.py: PASS
LogicalDisk - 03_ld_gi_errs.py: PASS
Memory - 01_memory.py: PASS
Memory - 02_defgetmem.py: PASS
Memory - 03_mem_gi_errs.py: PASS
NetworkPort - 01_netport.py: PASS
NetworkPort - 02_np_gi_errors.py: PASS
NetworkPort - 03_user_netport.py: PASS
Processor - 01_processor.py: PASS
Processor - 02_definesys_get_procs.py: PASS
Processor - 03_proc_gi_errs.py: PASS
Profile - 01_enum.py: PASS
Profile - 02_profile_to_elec.py: PASS
Profile - 03_rprofile_gi_errs.py: PASS
RASD - 01_verify_rasd_fields.py: FAIL
ERROR - Mistmatching association values
RASD - 02_enum.py: PASS
RASD - 03_rasd_errs.py: PASS
RASD - 04_disk_rasd_size.py: PASS
RedirectionService - 01_enum_crs.py: PASS
RedirectionService - 02_enum_crscap.py: PASS
RedirectionService - 03_RedirectionSAP_errs.py: PASS
ReferencedProfile - 01_verify_refprof.py: PASS
ReferencedProfile - 02_refprofile_errs.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 01_forward.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 02_reverse.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 05_RAPF_err.py: PASS
ResourcePool - 01_enum.py: PASS
ResourcePool - 02_rp_gi_errors.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationCapabilities - 02_rpcc_gi_errs.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 01_enum.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 02_rcps_gi_errors.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 03_CreateResourcePool.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 04_CreateChildResourcePool.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 05_AddResourcesToResourcePool.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 06_RemoveResourcesFromResourcePool.py:
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 07_DeleteResourcePool.py: PASS
SettingsDefine - 01_forward.py: PASS
SettingsDefine - 02_reverse.py: PASS
SettingsDefine - 03_sds_fwd_errs.py: PASS
SettingsDefine - 04_sds_rev_errs.py: PASS
SettingsDefineCapabilities - 01_forward.py: PASS
SettingsDefineCapabilities - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
SettingsDefineCapabilities - 04_forward_vsmsdata.py: PASS
SettingsDefineCapabilities - 05_reverse_vsmcap.py: PASS
SystemDevice - 01_forward.py: PASS
SystemDevice - 02_reverse.py: PASS
SystemDevice - 03_fwderrs.py: PASS
VSSD - 01_enum.py: PASS
VSSD - 02_bootldr.py: SKIP
VSSD - 03_vssd_gi_errs.py: PASS
VSSD - 04_vssd_to_rasd.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementCapabilities - 02_vsmcap_gi_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 01_definesystem_name.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 02_destroysystem.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 03_definesystem_ess.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 04_definesystem_ers.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 05_destroysystem_neg.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 06_addresource.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 07_addresource_neg.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 08_modifyresource.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 09_procrasd_persist.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 10_hv_version.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 11_define_memrasdunits.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 12_referenced_config.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 13_refconfig_additional_devs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 14_define_sys_disk.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 15_mod_system_settings.py: PASS
VirtualSystemMigrationCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemMigrationCapabilities - 02_vsmc_gi_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 01_migratable_host.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 02_host_migrate_type.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 05_migratable_host_errs.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationSettingData - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemMigrationSettingData - 02_vsmsd_gi_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - 01_forward.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - 02_reverse.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - 03_vssdc_fwd_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - 04_vssdc_rev_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSnapshotService - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSnapshotService - 02_vs_sservice_gi_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSnapshotServiceCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSnapshotServiceCapabilities - 02_vs_sservicecap_gi_errs.py:
16 years, 1 month
Test Run Summary (Jan 05 2009): LXC on Fedora release 9.90.1 (Rawhide) with sfcb
by Guo Lian Yun
Test Run Summary (Jan 05 2009): LXC on Fedora release 9.90.1 (Rawhide)
with sfcb
Distro: Fedora release 9.90.1 (Rawhide)
Kernel: 2.6.27-0.323.rc6.fc10.x86_64
libvirt: 0.4.5
Hypervisor: QEMU 0.9.1
CIMOM: sfcb sfcbd 1.3.3preview
Libvirt-cim revision: 791
Libvirt-cim changeset: 3557859610b4
Cimtest revision: 576
Cimtest changeset: 7ff2982fa8c1
FAIL : 1
SKIP : 31
PASS : 100
Total : 140
FAIL Test Summary:
SettingsDefine - 02_reverse.py: FAIL
XFAIL Test Summary:
ComputerSystem - 06_paused_active_suspend.py: XFAIL
ComputerSystem - 23_suspend_suspend.py: XFAIL
ComputerSystem - 32_start_reboot.py: XFAIL
ComputerSystem - 33_suspend_reboot.py: XFAIL
HostSystem - 02_hostsystem_to_rasd.py: XFAIL
HostedDependency - 03_enabledstate.py: XFAIL
VSSD - 04_vssd_to_rasd.py: XFAIL
VirtualSystemManagementService - 15_mod_system_settings.py: XFAIL
SKIP Test Summary:
ComputerSystem - 02_nosystems.py: SKIP
ComputerSystem - 41_cs_to_settingdefinestate.py: SKIP
ComputerSystemIndication - 01_created_indication.py: SKIP
ElementAllocatedFromPool - 03_reverse_errs.py: SKIP
ElementAllocatedFromPool - 04_forward_errs.py: SKIP
LogicalDisk - 01_disk.py: SKIP
LogicalDisk - 02_nodevs.py: SKIP
LogicalDisk - 03_ld_gi_errs.py: SKIP
NetworkPort - 01_netport.py: SKIP
NetworkPort - 02_np_gi_errors.py: SKIP
NetworkPort - 03_user_netport.py: SKIP
Processor - 01_processor.py: SKIP
Processor - 02_definesys_get_procs.py: SKIP
Processor - 03_proc_gi_errs.py: SKIP
RASD - 04_disk_rasd_size.py: SKIP
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 05_RAPF_err.py: SKIP
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 03_CreateResourcePool.py: SKIP
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 04_CreateChildResourcePool.py: SKIP
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 05_AddResourcesToResourcePool.py: SKIP
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 06_RemoveResourcesFromResourcePool.py:
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 07_DeleteResourcePool.py: SKIP
VSSD - 02_bootldr.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemManagementService - 06_addresource.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemManagementService - 08_modifyresource.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemManagementService - 09_procrasd_persist.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemManagementService - 11_define_memrasdunits.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemManagementService - 12_referenced_config.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemManagementService - 13_refconfig_additional_devs.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 01_migratable_host.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 02_host_migrate_type.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 05_migratable_host_errs.py: SKIP
Full report:
AllocationCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
AllocationCapabilities - 02_alloccap_gi_errs.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 01_enum.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 02_nosystems.py: SKIP
ERROR - System has defined domains; unable to run
ComputerSystem - 03_defineVS.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 04_defineStartVS.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 05_activate_defined_start.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 06_paused_active_suspend.py: XFAIL
ERROR - Exception: (1, u'Unable to pause domain: this function
is not supported by the hypervisor: virDomainSuspend')
ERROR - Unable to suspend dom 'DomST1' using
InvokeMethod(RequestStateChange): Unable to pause domain: this function is
not supported by the hypervisor: virDomainSuspend
ComputerSystem - 22_define_suspend.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 23_suspend_suspend.py: XFAIL
ERROR - Exception: (1, u'Unable to pause domain: this function
is not supported by the hypervisor: virDomainSuspend')
ERROR - Unable to 'Suspend' dom 'cs_test_domain' using
InvokeMethod(RequestStateChange): Unable to pause domain: this function is
not supported by the hypervisor: virDomainSuspend
ComputerSystem - 27_define_suspend_errs.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 32_start_reboot.py: XFAIL
ERROR - Exception: (1, u'Unable to reboot domain: this function
is not supported by the hypervisor: virDomainReboot')
ERROR - Unable to 'Reboot' dom 'cs_test_domain' using
InvokeMethod(RequestStateChange): Unable to reboot domain: this function
is not supported by the hypervisor: virDomainReboot
ComputerSystem - 33_suspend_reboot.py: XFAIL
ERROR - In fn cim_state_change()
ERROR - Failed to change state of the domain 'test_domain'
ERROR - Exception: (7, u'State not supported')
ERROR - Exception: Unable Suspend dom 'test_domain'
InvokeMethod(RequestStateChange): State not supported
ComputerSystem - 35_start_reset.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 40_RSC_start.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 41_cs_to_settingdefinestate.py: SKIP
ComputerSystem - 42_cs_gi_errs.py: PASS
ComputerSystemIndication - 01_created_indication.py: SKIP
ElementAllocatedFromPool - 01_forward.py: PASS
ElementAllocatedFromPool - 02_reverse.py: PASS
ElementAllocatedFromPool - 03_reverse_errs.py: SKIP
ElementAllocatedFromPool - 04_forward_errs.py: SKIP
ElementCapabilities - 01_forward.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 02_reverse.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 05_hostsystem_cap.py: PASS
ElementConforms - 01_forward.py: PASS
ElementConforms - 02_reverse.py: PASS
ElementConforms - 03_ectp_fwd_errs.py: PASS
ElementConforms - 04_ectp_rev_errs.py: PASS
ElementSettingData - 01_forward.py: PASS
ElementSettingData - 03_esd_assoc_with_rasd_errs.py: PASS
EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities - 02_elecap_gi_errs.py: PASS
HostSystem - 01_enum.py: PASS
HostSystem - 02_hostsystem_to_rasd.py: XFAIL
ERROR - InstanceID Mismatch
ERROR - Returned CrossClass_GuestDom/mouse:xen instead of
Class not found
HostSystem - 03_hs_to_settdefcap.py: PASS
HostSystem - 04_hs_to_EAPF.py: PASS
HostSystem - 05_hs_gi_errs.py: PASS
HostSystem - 06_hs_to_vsms.py: PASS
HostedDependency - 01_forward.py: PASS
HostedDependency - 02_reverse.py: PASS
HostedDependency - 03_enabledstate.py: XFAIL
ERROR - Exception: (1, u'Unable to pause domain: this function
is not supported by the hypervisor: virDomainSuspend')
ERROR - Failed to suspend the dom: hd_domain1
InvokeMethod(RequestStateChange): Unable to pause domain: this function is
not supported by the hypervisor: virDomainSuspend
HostedDependency - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
HostedResourcePool - 01_forward.py: PASS
HostedResourcePool - 02_reverse.py: PASS
HostedResourcePool - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
HostedResourcePool - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
HostedService - 01_forward.py: PASS
HostedService - 02_reverse.py: PASS
HostedService - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
HostedService - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
LogicalDisk - 01_disk.py: SKIP
LogicalDisk - 02_nodevs.py: SKIP
ERROR - System has defined domains; unable to run
LogicalDisk - 03_ld_gi_errs.py: SKIP
Memory - 01_memory.py: PASS
Memory - 02_defgetmem.py: PASS
Memory - 03_mem_gi_errs.py: PASS
NetworkPort - 01_netport.py: SKIP
NetworkPort - 02_np_gi_errors.py: SKIP
NetworkPort - 03_user_netport.py: SKIP
Processor - 01_processor.py: SKIP
Processor - 02_definesys_get_procs.py: SKIP
Processor - 03_proc_gi_errs.py: SKIP
Profile - 01_enum.py: PASS
Profile - 02_profile_to_elec.py: PASS
Profile - 03_rprofile_gi_errs.py: PASS
RASD - 01_verify_rasd_fields.py: PASS
RASD - 02_enum.py: PASS
RASD - 03_rasd_errs.py: PASS
RASD - 04_disk_rasd_size.py: SKIP
RedirectionService - 01_enum_crs.py: PASS
RedirectionService - 02_enum_crscap.py: PASS
RedirectionService - 03_RedirectionSAP_errs.py: PASS
ReferencedProfile - 01_verify_refprof.py: PASS
ReferencedProfile - 02_refprofile_errs.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 01_forward.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 02_reverse.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 05_RAPF_err.py: SKIP
ResourcePool - 01_enum.py: PASS
ResourcePool - 02_rp_gi_errors.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationCapabilities - 02_rpcc_gi_errs.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 01_enum.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 02_rcps_gi_errors.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 03_CreateResourcePool.py: SKIP
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 04_CreateChildResourcePool.py: SKIP
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 05_AddResourcesToResourcePool.py: SKIP
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 06_RemoveResourcesFromResourcePool.py:
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 07_DeleteResourcePool.py: SKIP
SettingsDefine - 01_forward.py: PASS
SettingsDefine - 02_reverse.py: FAIL
ERROR - EnabledState is 3 instead of 2.
ERROR - Try to increase the timeout and run the test again
ERROR - Unable start dom 'virtgst'
SettingsDefine - 03_sds_fwd_errs.py: PASS
SettingsDefine - 04_sds_rev_errs.py: PASS
SettingsDefineCapabilities - 01_forward.py: PASS
SettingsDefineCapabilities - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
SettingsDefineCapabilities - 04_forward_vsmsdata.py: PASS
SettingsDefineCapabilities - 05_reverse_vsmcap.py: PASS
SystemDevice - 01_forward.py: PASS
SystemDevice - 02_reverse.py: PASS
SystemDevice - 03_fwderrs.py: PASS
VSSD - 01_enum.py: PASS
VSSD - 02_bootldr.py: SKIP
VSSD - 03_vssd_gi_errs.py: PASS
VSSD - 04_vssd_to_rasd.py: XFAIL
ERROR - InstanceID Mismatch
ERROR - Returned VSSDC_dom/mouse:xen instead of
VirtualSystemManagementCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementCapabilities - 02_vsmcap_gi_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 01_definesystem_name.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 02_destroysystem.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 03_definesystem_ess.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 04_definesystem_ers.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 05_destroysystem_neg.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 06_addresource.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemManagementService - 07_addresource_neg.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 08_modifyresource.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemManagementService - 09_procrasd_persist.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemManagementService - 10_hv_version.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 11_define_memrasdunits.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemManagementService - 12_referenced_config.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemManagementService - 13_refconfig_additional_devs.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemManagementService - 14_define_sys_disk.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 15_mod_system_settings.py: XFAIL
ERROR - rstest_domain not updated properly.
ERROR - Exp AutomaticRecoveryAction=3, got 2
VirtualSystemMigrationCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemMigrationCapabilities - 02_vsmc_gi_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 01_migratable_host.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 02_host_migrate_type.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 05_migratable_host_errs.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationSettingData - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemMigrationSettingData - 02_vsmsd_gi_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - 01_forward.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - 02_reverse.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - 03_vssdc_fwd_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - 04_vssdc_rev_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSnapshotService - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSnapshotService - 02_vs_sservice_gi_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSnapshotServiceCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSnapshotServiceCapabilities - 02_vs_sservicecap_gi_errs.py:
16 years, 1 month
Test Run Summary (Jan 05 2009): KVM on Fedora release 9.90.1 (Rawhide) with sfcb
by Guo Lian Yun
Test Run Summary (Jan 05 2009): KVM on Fedora release 9.90.1 (Rawhide)
with sfcb
Distro: Fedora release 9.90.1 (Rawhide)
Kernel: 2.6.27-0.323.rc6.fc10.x86_64
libvirt: 0.4.5
Hypervisor: QEMU 0.9.1
CIMOM: sfcb sfcbd 1.3.3preview
Libvirt-cim revision: 791
Libvirt-cim changeset: 3557859610b4
Cimtest revision: 576
Cimtest changeset: 7ff2982fa8c1
FAIL : 2
SKIP : 4
PASS : 132
Total : 140
FAIL Test Summary:
ComputerSystem - 41_cs_to_settingdefinestate.py: FAIL
RASD - 01_verify_rasd_fields.py: FAIL
XFAIL Test Summary:
ComputerSystem - 32_start_reboot.py: XFAIL
ComputerSystem - 33_suspend_reboot.py: XFAIL
SKIP Test Summary:
VSSD - 02_bootldr.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 01_migratable_host.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 02_host_migrate_type.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 05_migratable_host_errs.py: SKIP
Full report:
AllocationCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
AllocationCapabilities - 02_alloccap_gi_errs.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 01_enum.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 02_nosystems.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 03_defineVS.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 04_defineStartVS.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 05_activate_defined_start.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 06_paused_active_suspend.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 22_define_suspend.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 23_suspend_suspend.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 27_define_suspend_errs.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 32_start_reboot.py: XFAIL
ERROR - Exception: (1, u'Unable to reboot domain: this function
is not supported by the hypervisor: virDomainReboot')
ERROR - Unable to 'Reboot' dom 'cs_test_domain' using
InvokeMethod(RequestStateChange): Unable to reboot domain: this function
is not supported by the hypervisor: virDomainReboot
ComputerSystem - 33_suspend_reboot.py: XFAIL
ERROR - In fn cim_state_change()
ERROR - Failed to change state of the domain 'test_domain'
ERROR - Exception: (7, u'State not supported')
ERROR - Exception: Unable Suspend dom 'test_domain'
InvokeMethod(RequestStateChange): State not supported
ComputerSystem - 35_start_reset.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 40_RSC_start.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 41_cs_to_settingdefinestate.py: FAIL
ERROR - KVM_SystemDevice returned 6 Logical Devices objects
ComputerSystem - 42_cs_gi_errs.py: PASS
ComputerSystemIndication - 01_created_indication.py: PASS
ElementAllocatedFromPool - 01_forward.py: PASS
ElementAllocatedFromPool - 02_reverse.py: PASS
ElementAllocatedFromPool - 03_reverse_errs.py: PASS
ElementAllocatedFromPool - 04_forward_errs.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 01_forward.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 02_reverse.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 05_hostsystem_cap.py: PASS
ElementConforms - 01_forward.py: PASS
ElementConforms - 02_reverse.py: PASS
ElementConforms - 03_ectp_fwd_errs.py: PASS
ElementConforms - 04_ectp_rev_errs.py: PASS
ElementSettingData - 01_forward.py: PASS
ElementSettingData - 03_esd_assoc_with_rasd_errs.py: PASS
EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities - 02_elecap_gi_errs.py: PASS
HostSystem - 01_enum.py: PASS
HostSystem - 02_hostsystem_to_rasd.py: PASS
HostSystem - 03_hs_to_settdefcap.py: PASS
HostSystem - 04_hs_to_EAPF.py: PASS
HostSystem - 05_hs_gi_errs.py: PASS
HostSystem - 06_hs_to_vsms.py: PASS
HostedDependency - 01_forward.py: PASS
HostedDependency - 02_reverse.py: PASS
HostedDependency - 03_enabledstate.py: PASS
HostedDependency - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
HostedResourcePool - 01_forward.py: PASS
HostedResourcePool - 02_reverse.py: PASS
HostedResourcePool - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
HostedResourcePool - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
HostedService - 01_forward.py: PASS
HostedService - 02_reverse.py: PASS
HostedService - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
HostedService - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
LogicalDisk - 01_disk.py: PASS
LogicalDisk - 02_nodevs.py: PASS
LogicalDisk - 03_ld_gi_errs.py: PASS
Memory - 01_memory.py: PASS
Memory - 02_defgetmem.py: PASS
Memory - 03_mem_gi_errs.py: PASS
NetworkPort - 01_netport.py: PASS
NetworkPort - 02_np_gi_errors.py: PASS
NetworkPort - 03_user_netport.py: PASS
Processor - 01_processor.py: PASS
Processor - 02_definesys_get_procs.py: PASS
Processor - 03_proc_gi_errs.py: PASS
Profile - 01_enum.py: PASS
Profile - 02_profile_to_elec.py: PASS
Profile - 03_rprofile_gi_errs.py: PASS
RASD - 01_verify_rasd_fields.py: FAIL
ERROR - Mistmatching association values
RASD - 02_enum.py: PASS
RASD - 03_rasd_errs.py: PASS
RASD - 04_disk_rasd_size.py: PASS
RedirectionService - 01_enum_crs.py: PASS
RedirectionService - 02_enum_crscap.py: PASS
RedirectionService - 03_RedirectionSAP_errs.py: PASS
ReferencedProfile - 01_verify_refprof.py: PASS
ReferencedProfile - 02_refprofile_errs.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 01_forward.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 02_reverse.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 05_RAPF_err.py: PASS
ResourcePool - 01_enum.py: PASS
ResourcePool - 02_rp_gi_errors.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationCapabilities - 02_rpcc_gi_errs.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 01_enum.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 02_rcps_gi_errors.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 03_CreateResourcePool.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 04_CreateChildResourcePool.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 05_AddResourcesToResourcePool.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 06_RemoveResourcesFromResourcePool.py:
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 07_DeleteResourcePool.py: PASS
SettingsDefine - 01_forward.py: PASS
SettingsDefine - 02_reverse.py: PASS
SettingsDefine - 03_sds_fwd_errs.py: PASS
SettingsDefine - 04_sds_rev_errs.py: PASS
SettingsDefineCapabilities - 01_forward.py: PASS
SettingsDefineCapabilities - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
SettingsDefineCapabilities - 04_forward_vsmsdata.py: PASS
SettingsDefineCapabilities - 05_reverse_vsmcap.py: PASS
SystemDevice - 01_forward.py: PASS
SystemDevice - 02_reverse.py: PASS
SystemDevice - 03_fwderrs.py: PASS
VSSD - 01_enum.py: PASS
VSSD - 02_bootldr.py: SKIP
VSSD - 03_vssd_gi_errs.py: PASS
VSSD - 04_vssd_to_rasd.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementCapabilities - 02_vsmcap_gi_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 01_definesystem_name.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 02_destroysystem.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 03_definesystem_ess.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 04_definesystem_ers.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 05_destroysystem_neg.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 06_addresource.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 07_addresource_neg.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 08_modifyresource.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 09_procrasd_persist.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 10_hv_version.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 11_define_memrasdunits.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 12_referenced_config.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 13_refconfig_additional_devs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 14_define_sys_disk.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 15_mod_system_settings.py: PASS
VirtualSystemMigrationCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemMigrationCapabilities - 02_vsmc_gi_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 01_migratable_host.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 02_host_migrate_type.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 05_migratable_host_errs.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationSettingData - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemMigrationSettingData - 02_vsmsd_gi_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - 01_forward.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - 02_reverse.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - 03_vssdc_fwd_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - 04_vssdc_rev_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSnapshotService - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSnapshotService - 02_vs_sservice_gi_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSnapshotServiceCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSnapshotServiceCapabilities - 02_vs_sservicecap_gi_errs.py:
16 years, 1 month
Test Run Summary (Jan 05 2009): KVM on Fedora release 9 (Sulphur) with Pegasus
by Guo Lian Yun
Test Run Summary (Jan 05 2009): KVM on Fedora release 9 (Sulphur) with
Distro: Fedora release 9 (Sulphur)
libvirt: 0.4.4
Hypervisor: QEMU 0.9.1
CIMOM: Pegasus 2.7.0
Libvirt-cim revision: 613
Libvirt-cim changeset: 1fcf330fadf8+
Cimtest revision: 576
Cimtest changeset: 7ff2982fa8c1
FAIL : 0
SKIP : 7
PASS : 130
Total : 140
XFAIL Test Summary:
ComputerSystem - 32_start_reboot.py: XFAIL
ComputerSystem - 33_suspend_reboot.py: XFAIL
VirtualSystemManagementService - 15_mod_system_settings.py: XFAIL
SKIP Test Summary:
RedirectionService - 01_enum_crs.py: SKIP
RedirectionService - 02_enum_crscap.py: SKIP
RedirectionService - 03_RedirectionSAP_errs.py: SKIP
VSSD - 02_bootldr.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 01_migratable_host.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 02_host_migrate_type.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 05_migratable_host_errs.py: SKIP
Full report:
AllocationCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
AllocationCapabilities - 02_alloccap_gi_errs.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 01_enum.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 02_nosystems.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 03_defineVS.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 04_defineStartVS.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 05_activate_defined_start.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 06_paused_active_suspend.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 22_define_suspend.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 23_suspend_suspend.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 27_define_suspend_errs.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 32_start_reboot.py: XFAIL
ERROR - Exception: (1, u'CIM_ERR_FAILED: Domain Operation
ERROR - Unable to 'Reboot' dom 'cs_test_domain' using
InvokeMethod(RequestStateChange): CIM_ERR_FAILED: Domain Operation Failed
ComputerSystem - 33_suspend_reboot.py: XFAIL
ERROR - In fn cim_state_change()
ERROR - Failed to change state of the domain 'test_domain'
ERROR - Exception: (7, u'CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED: State not
ERROR - Exception: Unable Suspend dom 'test_domain'
InvokeMethod(RequestStateChange): CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED: State not
ComputerSystem - 35_start_reset.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 40_RSC_start.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 41_cs_to_settingdefinestate.py: PASS
ComputerSystem - 42_cs_gi_errs.py: PASS
ComputerSystemIndication - 01_created_indication.py: PASS
ElementAllocatedFromPool - 01_forward.py: PASS
ElementAllocatedFromPool - 02_reverse.py: PASS
ElementAllocatedFromPool - 03_reverse_errs.py: PASS
ElementAllocatedFromPool - 04_forward_errs.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 01_forward.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 02_reverse.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
ElementCapabilities - 05_hostsystem_cap.py: PASS
ElementConforms - 01_forward.py: PASS
ElementConforms - 02_reverse.py: PASS
ElementConforms - 03_ectp_fwd_errs.py: PASS
ElementConforms - 04_ectp_rev_errs.py: PASS
ElementSettingData - 01_forward.py: PASS
ElementSettingData - 03_esd_assoc_with_rasd_errs.py: PASS
EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities - 02_elecap_gi_errs.py: PASS
HostSystem - 01_enum.py: PASS
HostSystem - 02_hostsystem_to_rasd.py: PASS
HostSystem - 03_hs_to_settdefcap.py: PASS
HostSystem - 04_hs_to_EAPF.py: PASS
HostSystem - 05_hs_gi_errs.py: PASS
HostSystem - 06_hs_to_vsms.py: PASS
HostedDependency - 01_forward.py: PASS
HostedDependency - 02_reverse.py: PASS
HostedDependency - 03_enabledstate.py: PASS
HostedDependency - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
HostedResourcePool - 01_forward.py: PASS
HostedResourcePool - 02_reverse.py: PASS
HostedResourcePool - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
HostedResourcePool - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
HostedService - 01_forward.py: PASS
HostedService - 02_reverse.py: PASS
HostedService - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
HostedService - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
LogicalDisk - 01_disk.py: PASS
LogicalDisk - 02_nodevs.py: PASS
LogicalDisk - 03_ld_gi_errs.py: PASS
Memory - 01_memory.py: PASS
Memory - 02_defgetmem.py: PASS
Memory - 03_mem_gi_errs.py: PASS
NetworkPort - 01_netport.py: PASS
NetworkPort - 02_np_gi_errors.py: PASS
NetworkPort - 03_user_netport.py: PASS
Processor - 01_processor.py: PASS
Processor - 02_definesys_get_procs.py: PASS
Processor - 03_proc_gi_errs.py: PASS
Profile - 01_enum.py: PASS
Profile - 02_profile_to_elec.py: PASS
Profile - 03_rprofile_gi_errs.py: PASS
RASD - 01_verify_rasd_fields.py: PASS
RASD - 02_enum.py: PASS
RASD - 03_rasd_errs.py: PASS
RASD - 04_disk_rasd_size.py: PASS
RedirectionService - 01_enum_crs.py: SKIP
RedirectionService - 02_enum_crscap.py: SKIP
RedirectionService - 03_RedirectionSAP_errs.py: SKIP
ReferencedProfile - 01_verify_refprof.py: PASS
ReferencedProfile - 02_refprofile_errs.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 01_forward.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 02_reverse.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 04_reverse_errs.py: PASS
ResourceAllocationFromPool - 05_RAPF_err.py: PASS
ResourcePool - 01_enum.py: PASS
ResourcePool - 02_rp_gi_errors.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationCapabilities - 02_rpcc_gi_errs.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 01_enum.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 02_rcps_gi_errors.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 03_CreateResourcePool.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 04_CreateChildResourcePool.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 05_AddResourcesToResourcePool.py: PASS
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 06_RemoveResourcesFromResourcePool.py:
ResourcePoolConfigurationService - 07_DeleteResourcePool.py: PASS
SettingsDefine - 01_forward.py: PASS
SettingsDefine - 02_reverse.py: PASS
SettingsDefine - 03_sds_fwd_errs.py: PASS
SettingsDefine - 04_sds_rev_errs.py: PASS
SettingsDefineCapabilities - 01_forward.py: PASS
SettingsDefineCapabilities - 03_forward_errs.py: PASS
SettingsDefineCapabilities - 04_forward_vsmsdata.py: PASS
SettingsDefineCapabilities - 05_reverse_vsmcap.py: PASS
SystemDevice - 01_forward.py: PASS
SystemDevice - 02_reverse.py: PASS
SystemDevice - 03_fwderrs.py: PASS
VSSD - 01_enum.py: PASS
VSSD - 02_bootldr.py: SKIP
VSSD - 03_vssd_gi_errs.py: PASS
VSSD - 04_vssd_to_rasd.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementCapabilities - 02_vsmcap_gi_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 01_definesystem_name.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 02_destroysystem.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 03_definesystem_ess.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 04_definesystem_ers.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 05_destroysystem_neg.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 06_addresource.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 07_addresource_neg.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 08_modifyresource.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 09_procrasd_persist.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 10_hv_version.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 11_define_memrasdunits.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 12_referenced_config.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 13_refconfig_additional_devs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 14_define_sys_disk.py: PASS
VirtualSystemManagementService - 15_mod_system_settings.py: XFAIL
ERROR - rstest_domain not updated properly.
ERROR - Exp AutomaticRecoveryAction=3, got 2
VirtualSystemMigrationCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemMigrationCapabilities - 02_vsmc_gi_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 01_migratable_host.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 02_host_migrate_type.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationService - 05_migratable_host_errs.py: SKIP
VirtualSystemMigrationSettingData - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemMigrationSettingData - 02_vsmsd_gi_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - 01_forward.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - 02_reverse.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - 03_vssdc_fwd_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - 04_vssdc_rev_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSnapshotService - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSnapshotService - 02_vs_sservice_gi_errs.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSnapshotServiceCapabilities - 01_enum.py: PASS
VirtualSystemSnapshotServiceCapabilities - 02_vs_sservicecap_gi_errs.py:
16 years, 1 month