Subba Rao, Sandeep M (STSD) wrote:
I'm trying to perform a live move of a domU using libvirt-cim. The hosts are RHEL 5.3
hosts with the following:
[root@RHEL53Xen1 tmp]# rpm -q tog-pegasus
[root@RHEL53Xen1 tmp]# rpm -q libvirt-cim
[root@RHEL53Xen1 tmp]# rpm -q sblim-cmpi-base
[root@RHEL53Xen1 tmp]# cat /etc/Pegasus/cimserver_planned.conf | grep
[root@RHEL53Xen1 tmp]#
The destination host is also an RHEL 5.3 with similar configuration. So, I enabled the
libvirt cim log on the source host and following is a excerpt from the log file.
The log shows the operation failed.
I'm I missing something here. Any help is much appreciated.
Virt_VSMigrationService.c(1135): Live migration
Virt_VSMigrationService.c(937): Migrating Copy_RHELVM3
Virt_VSMigrationService.c(940): Migration failed
Hi Sandeep,
Hmm.. the provider log isn't too helpful here. Are you able to migrate
the guest through libvirt using virsh?
virsh migrate --live Copy_RHELVM3 xen+ssh://HostB
Also, can you look in /var/log/messages to see if you see any libvirt
related errors?
Kaitlin Rupert
IBM Linux Technology Center