Dan Smith wrote:
HE> patch 1: updated the mof files with the additional
HE> qualifier. The syntax is "<provider interface>:<module
name>". For
HE> our providers this means "cmpi:<filename>",
HE> e.g. "cmpi:Virt_HostSystem"
Ugh.. Is this how OpenWBEM does registration?
Yes, and even more. The
provider_register script added an additional ":"
between the <provider interface> and <module name>. I have fixed this
and will resend with the complete patch set.
Meaning, does this
eliminate the need for the .registration files for OpenWBEM?
Yes, but only for
OpenWbem. We still need it for Pegasus and sfcb.
I guess
by now I should expect no fewer than X different ways of doing things,
given X CIMOMs :)
I can only say - yes ;).
HE> patch 2: the registration for OpenWbem requires an entry
HE> <modulename>_Create_InstanceMI, which means that the filename and
HE> the providername have to become the same. This is necessary to let
HE> STD_InstanceMIStub correctly create the right CMPI entry points.
Seems reasonable, and possibly more organized.
Yes, but maybe this is also a limitation. The approach to allow a
different module and provider name enables hosting multiple providers in
one module. Its not that I would recommend writing such a provider
module - really not, because this blows up the module and makes the code
worse readable - but this possibility is then gone. For the libvirt-cim
providers no problem, because we do not - and definitely will not ;) -
make use of this possibility. I'm only saying this to describe a bit of
the background for defining providername and modulename in the
registration files.
HE> I have tested this setup with sfcb, Pegasus and OpenWbem and
itI would rather call it
HE> worked for all. If no one encounteres issues with this slighly
HE> changed provider naming, I will create patches for all
HE> providers. If someone has a hard requirement to name the provider
HE> different compared to the file, please raise your hand ;). I look
HE> forward an interesting discussion.
The easiest thing would be to go through and rename the providers to
match the files, but I wonder if it isn't worth organizing things a
bit further. Right now, we have some that are completely expanded
(Virt_VirtualSystemManagementService.c) and others that are compressed
(Virt_VSSD.c). Would it make sense to also rename the files (where
appropriate) for more consistency?
Yes, consistency makes always sense :) ! If the others are ok with this
change, I will expand the filenames of the compressed providers in a
separate patch set.
Heidi Eckhart
Software Engineer
Linux Technology Center - Open Hypervisor
IBM Deutschland Entwicklung GmbH
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Martin Jetter
Geschaeftsfuehrung: Herbert Kircher
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Boeblingen
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stuttgart, HRB 243294