Dan Smith wrote:
GY> + cmd = "lsof -P -i:5988 | grep sfcbd"
GY> + rc, out = utils.run_remote(options.ip, cmd)
-1 on this one too.
Daisy, changing the error description from 'CIM_ERR_FAILED: Unable to
retrieve domain name.' to 'Unable to retrieve domain name.' will work.
Instead of:
if err_no == exp_value['rc'] and err_desc == exp_value['desc']:
You can do something like:
if err_no == exp_value['rc'] and err_desc.find(exp_value['desc']) >=
You can look at
- this test uses find on the error descriptions.
For this test, since the provider returns the same error code for both
errors, so I think checking the error description is needed.
Kaitlin Rupert
IBM Linux Technology Center