Deepti B Kalakeri wrote:
Test Run Summary (Mar 10 2009): XenFV on Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Server release 5.3 (Tikanga) with Pegasus
Distro: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.3 (Tikanga)
Kernel: 2.6.18-128.el5xen
libvirt: 0.3.3
Hypervisor: Xen 3.1.0
CIMOM: Pegasus 2.7.1
Libvirt-cim revision: 613
Libvirt-cim changeset: 1fcf330fadf8+
Cimtest revision: 642
Cimtest changeset: 087aaba26589
FAIL : 8
SKIP : 13
PASS : 124
Total : 146
FAIL Test Summary:
VirtualSystemManagementService - FAIL
The tc fails because
the VirtualQuantity for the running guest is not
the same as VirtualQuantity used when defining the guest.
This tc Pass for Xen .
VirtualSystemManagementService - FAIL
The DiskRASD['Caption'] field is not set properly.
This has been used in the test while customizing the values for DiskRASD
to be passed before defining the domain.
VirtualSystemMigrationService - FAIL
VirtualSystemMigrationService - FAIL
VirtualSystemMigrationService - FAIL
The test case are
taking too long to start the domain to be migrated.
The guest used to migrate which is in the define state seems in the mid
of the transition from defined to start state.
The State of the dom_migrate is set to "no state".
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - FAIL
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - FAIL
VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent - FAIL
Most of the times the dom_migrate domain that is created on the host
does not get cleaned.
Since all the tc uses the same images, the consecutive tests fails when
they try to create a new guest.
The problem is seen only with Xen/XenFV and that too with the Rhel.
It takes lot of virsh destroy commands to actually destroy the guest
created by the migration tc.
Sometimes I need to restart the xend to see the refreshed list of
domains on the host.
Need to look at the workaround so that the migration tests uses other
images than those used by other test cases.
Thanks and Regards,
Deepti B. Kalakeri
IBM Linux Technology Center