+ status = FAIL
+ # This check is required for libivirt-cim providers which do not have
+ # CRS changes in it and the CRS provider is available with revision >= 688.
+ curr_cim_rev, changeset = get_provider_version(options.virt, options.ip)
+ if (curr_cim_rev < libvirtcim_hr_crs_changes):
+ logger.info("ConsoleRedirectionService provider not supported, "
+ "hence skipping the test ....")
+ return SKIP
+ name = "%s:%s" % ("1", "1")
+ status = PASS
Remove this line - status is set to FAIL above. It's better to set
status to FAIL because we should only set it to PASS in cases when we're
sure a PASS condition has been met.
+ # Looping by passing invalid key values
+ for field, test_val in tc_scen.items():
+ newkey_vals = key_vals.copy()
+ newkey_vals[test_val] = field
+ ret_value = try_getinstance(conn, classname, newkey_vals,
+ field_name=test_val,
+ expr_values = expr_values[field],
+ bug_no = "")
+ if ret_value != PASS:
+ logger.error(" -------------- FAILED %s ----------- : " % field)
+ break
You capture the return of try_getinstance() as ret_value, but at the end
of the test, you are returning status. If ret_value is FAIL, but
somewhere earlier in the test, status is set to PASS, then you could
potientially return a false positive.
I would change ret_value to status here.
+ cxml.destroy(options.ip)
This should be cim_destroy().
Thanks for making all these changes! I think the flow of the test is
much easier to read this time around.
Kaitlin Rupert
IBM Linux Technology Center