Sorry for the slow response on this.
> +
> + testsuite.debug(" Execution time: %sh %smin %ssec %smsec" %
> + (h, m, s, msec))
You can remove the blank space from the above log, so that the message
is aligned with the test case log messages.
Is it alright if I leave it as is? I actually prefer it that way, as I
think it makes it easier to read. But if you think it's too busy, I can
remove the spaces.
You can also include some delimiters between the time values to make
more clear, also we can print the hr , min, sec in H, MIN, SEC would be
something like this:
testsuite.debug(" ---------------------------")
Oh funny, I also think this makes it more difficult to read.
testsuite.debug("Execution time: %sh | %smin |%ssec
|%smsec|" %
(h, m, s, msec))
I really like this though. How about I include this change and once its
in stream, we can get feedback about how readable it is. Maybe other
people can chime in.
This will print the information in the following format.
Starting test suite: libvirt-cim
ComputerSystem - PASS
Execution time: 0H | 0MIN |1SEC |638MSEC|
Total test execution:
Execution time: 0H | 0MIN |1SEC |638MSEC|
Testing KVM hypervisor
ComputerSystem - PASS
Execution time: 0h | 0min |1sec |663msec|
Total test execution:
Execution time: 0h | 0min |1sec |663msec|
Do we require milliseconds information ?
I'd like to keep the milliseconds for now. It's probably not needed,
but it can always be removed later on.
Can we print the total time as part of the Summary information in the
test run report, otherwise we will have to go to the bottom of the
results to know the total time details.
Excellent idea - I will add that as well.
Kaitlin Rupert
IBM Linux Technology Center