On 01/26/2012 12:58 PM, Chip Vincent wrote:
From: Chip Vincent <cvincent(a)us.ibm.com>
Fixes many small issues with the current AppliedFilterList provider.
1) Fix Create to properly return a complete object path and fix Delete to
properly parse that path.
2) Persist applied filer rules. Since it's not possible to dyanmically update
a single device, I've changed the code to modify and re-define the VM to
essentially add/remove ACL filter associations.
I also updated the code to minimize domain/device parsing overhead. For
some strange reason, our internal APIs sometimes take a virDomainPtr and
other times a struct domain * forcing providers who work with domains
*and* devices to parse everything twice. Until the internal APIs are
cleaned up, I simply parse everything once and then fetch the device
manually from the struct domain *.
3) Add VIR_DOMAIN_XML_INACTIVE to virDomainGetXML(). By default, libvirt only
returns the XML of the running domain. We need to fetch the *stored* XML
that will be used for the next boot so that all changes made while the VM
is running are preserved.
Changes from v1:
- Fix leak and other comments
- Fix all cases virDomainGetXML()
- Fix NestedFilterList Create/Delete instance
Almost there, see below:
diff --git a/src/Virt_NestedFilterList.c
index 894cd7c..b72c582 100644
--- a/src/Virt_NestedFilterList.c
+++ b/src/Virt_NestedFilterList.c
@@ -98,7 +98,10 @@ static CMPIrc cu_get_ref_path(const CMPIObjectPath *reference,
if ((s.rc != CMPI_RC_OK) || CMIsNullValue(value))
- /* how to parse and object path? */
+ if ((value.type != CMPI_ref) || CMIsNullObject(value.value.ref))
+ *_reference = value.value.ref;
return CMPI_RC_OK;
@@ -305,6 +308,7 @@ static CMPIStatus CreateInstance(
const char *child_name = NULL;
struct acl_filter *child_filter = NULL;
virConnectPtr conn = NULL;
+ CMPIObjectPath *_reference = NULL;
CU_DEBUG("Reference = %s", REF2STR(reference));
@@ -383,6 +387,11 @@ static CMPIStatus CreateInstance(
goto out;
+ /* create new object path */
+ _reference = CMClone(reference, NULL);
+ CMAddKey(_reference, "Antecedent", (CMPIValue *)&antecedent,
+ CMAddKey(_reference, "Dependent", (CMPIValue *)&dependent,
CMReturnObjectPath(results, reference);
Should be returning _reference right?
Another question, is it necessary to free the _reference variable
somehow? Looking at Pegasus headers, I can see a CMRelease declaration
near CMClone.
Eduardo de Barros Lima
Software Engineer, Open Virtualization
Linux Technology Center - IBM/Brazil