On 06/08/2011 02:00 PM, Chip Vincent wrote:
I'm seeing a new failure with this patch:
NetworkPort - 01_netport.py: FAIL
ERROR - CIMError : (16, u'CIM_ERR_METHOD_NOT_AVAILABLE: __nonzero__')
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 140, in do_try
rc = f()
File "01_netport.py", line 86, in main
if not dev:
File "/home/cvincent/tmp/cimtest/lib/CimTest/CimExt.py", line 32, in
return self.__invoker(self.__name, args)
line 108, in __invoke
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pywbem/cim_operations.py", line
801, in InvokeMethod
result = self.methodcall(MethodName, obj, **params)
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pywbem/cim_operations.py", line
362, in methodcall
raise CIMError(code, tt[0][1]['DESCRIPTION'])
CIMError: (16, u'CIM_ERR_METHOD_NOT_AVAILABLE: __nonzero__')
ERROR - None
InvokeMethod(__nonzero__): CIM_ERR_METHOD_NOT_AVAILABLE: __nonzero__
Weird, I don't get these messages. So better change the test case to
explicitly compare to None:
- if not dev:
+ if dev is None:
Will provide a patch with this fix soon.
Best regards,
Eduardo de Barros Lima
Software Engineer, Open Virtualization
Linux Technology Center - IBM/Brazil