>> Can't we just retain the information that is supplied
>> NetRASD as it is ?
>> Am, I missing something ? Can you help me proceed with the
>> implementation of non-existing networkpoolname/bridgename scenario in
>> 05_RAPF_err.py .
> To use cim_define(), you'll need to remove the bridge related portion
> of the test. Only the network scenario is valid.
I can retain the network part of the tc, but I remember we were of the
opinion for keeping some of the test case to use virsh so that the
providers is able to handle the information for the VS created outside
using VSMS.
Yes, I agree that some tests should retain guests defined by virsh. But
having guests defined by virsh is far less important. Really, we've
been using virsh as a crutch. I don't think we need very many test
cases to retain virsh defined guests.
The purpose of the test suite is to test the providers, not to test
virsh. So the fewer tests that rely on using virsh to define guests we
have, the better the test suite is at exercising the providers.
Kaitlin Rupert
IBM Linux Technology Center