+sup_types = ['KVM', 'Xen']
Have this support XenFV as well.
+nmem = 256
+nmac = '00:11:22:33:44:55'
+def create_guest(test_dom, ip, virt, cxml):
+ try:
+ ret = cxml.cim_define(ip)
+ if not ret:
+ raise Exception("Failed to define domain %s" % test_dom)
+ status, dom_cs = poll_for_state_change(ip, virt, test_dom,
+ if status != PASS:
+ raise Exception("Dom '%s' not in expected state
'%s'" \
+ % (test_dom, CIM_DISABLE))
+ ret = cxml.cim_start(ip)
+ if ret:
+ raise Exception("Failed to start the domain '%s'" %
+ cxml.undefine(ip)
+ status, dom_cs = poll_for_state_change(ip, virt, test_dom,
+ if status != PASS:
+ raise Exception("Dom '%s' not in expected state
'%s'" \
+ % (test_dom, CIM_ENABLE))
+ except Exception, details:
+ logger.error("Exception details: %s", details)
+ return FAIL, cxml
+ return PASS, cxml
+def get_rasd_rec(virt, cn, s_sysname, inst_id):
+ classname = get_typed_class(virt, cn)
+ recs = EnumNames(s_sysname, classname)
+ rasd = None
+ for rasd_rec in recs:
+ ret_pool = rasd_rec['InstanceID']
+ if ret_pool == inst_id:
+ rasd = rasd_rec
+ break
+ return rasd
+def gen_indication(test_dom, s_sysname, virt, cxml, service, ind_name,
+ rasd=None, nmem_disk=None):
+ status = FAIL
+ try:
+ if ind_name == "add":
+ cn = 'VirtualSystemSettingData'
+ inst_id = '%s:%s' % (virt, test_dom)
+ classname = get_typed_class(virt, cn)
+ vssd_ref = get_rasd_rec(virt, cn, s_sysname, inst_id)
+ if vssd_ref == None:
+ raise Exception("Failed to get vssd_ref for '%s'" %
+ status = vsms_util.add_disk_res(s_sysname, service, cxml,
+ vssd_ref, rasd, nmem_disk)
+ elif ind_name == "modify":
+ status = vsms_util.mod_mem_res(s_sysname, service, cxml,
+ rasd, nmem_disk)
KVM doesn't support ballooning of memory while the guest is running.
You'll need to do this when the guest is shutdown.
Kaitlin Rupert
IBM Linux Technology Center