-def log_param():
+def log_param(debug=None):
+ #FIXME debug=None is a temporary work around to avoid duplicate
+ # logging in vsmtest.log because we have log_param in both the
+ # do_main decorator and the test case's main function.
+ # We can safely delete the if branch here after all test cases
+ # have removed the log_param invoke.
+ if debug == None:
+ return
+ else:
For some reason, if -d isn't supplied, nothing is written to the log.
I went back and looked at what I tested yesterday - I used debug=False
and if debug == False (instead of using None). Although, I noticed in
the mail you send, you'd suggested using None.
Do you see the same behavior?
Also, thanks for the cleanup - looks much better. =)
Kaitlin Rupert
IBM Linux Technology Center