> VirtualSystemSnapshotService - 03_create_snapshot.py: FAIL
The above test fails with the following message:
ERROR - Exception: CreateSnapshot failed to return a CIM job inst
ERROR - Failed to remove snapshot file for snapshot_vm
This is because the following Pegasus option isn't set:
Heres the debug message:
std_invokemethod.c(230): Method parameter `SnapshotType' validated type
std_invokemethod.c(303): Executing handler for method `CreateSnapshot'
Virt_VirtualSystemSnapshotService.c(297): ref was
Virt_VirtualSystemSnapshotService.c(301): Failed to create job
misc_util.c(75): Connecting to libvirt with uri `qemu:///system'
misc_util.c(202): URI of connection is: qemu:///system
device_parsing.c(273): Disk node: disk
Kaitlin Rupert
IBM Linux Technology Center