> - verify_ectp_list[hs_ccn] = cs_fields
> + cn_names = ["VirtualSystemMigrationService",
> "DiskPool",
> + "NetworkPool", "ProcessorPool",
We Can omit the inclusion of "DiskPool","NetworkPool",
for libvirt-cim < 680.
Otherwise the test will fail when we check for the list for the values
after the checks for the values returned from the association is made.
> + if status == PASS:
> + for k, l in verify_ectp_list.iteritems():
> + if len(l) != 0:
> + raise Exception("%s items weren't returned: %s",
> k, l)
The above Exception should be :
raise Exception("%s items weren't returned: %s" %( k, l))
otherwise, the exception statement is will be printed as follow:
Exception: ("%s items weren't returned: %s", 'Xen_ProcessorPool',
[CIMInstance(classname=u'Xen_ProcessorPool', ...)])
> + status = FAIL
This tc gives a false positive with libvirt-cim version < 680 .
The status = FAIL should come before the raise exception.
After moving the status= FAIL before the raise statement the tc fails
with the following error:
ERROR - Exception: ("%s items weren't returned: %s",
'Xen_ProcessorPool', [CIMInstance(classname=u'Xen_ProcessorPool', ...)])
Oops, yes - thanks for catching this!
Kaitlin Rupert
IBM Linux Technology Center