- logger.error("The execution should not have reached
- return FAIL
+ status = destroy_netpool(options.ip, options.virt, test_pool[i])
+ if status != PASS:
+ logger.error("Unable to destroy networkpool %s", test_pool[i])
+ status = FAIL
Should return here. Otherwise, if you're able to clean up the 2nd and
3rd pool, but not the first, the test will return PASS instead of FAIL.
+ status = undefine_netpool(options.ip, options.virt, test_pool[i])
+ if status != PASS:
+ logger.error("Unable to undefine networkpool %s", test_pool[i])
+ status = FAIL
Same issue here.
+ return status
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff -r 92caf252c2fa -r af273b2ad41c suites/libvirt-cim/lib/XenKvmLib/pool.py
--- a/suites/libvirt-cim/lib/XenKvmLib/pool.py Mon May 04 03:49:32 2009 -0700
+++ b/suites/libvirt-cim/lib/XenKvmLib/pool.py Wed May 06 21:48:09 2009 -0700
@@ -21,15 +21,21 @@
import sys
-from CimTest.Globals import logger
+from CimTest.Globals import logger, CIM_NS
from CimTest.ReturnCodes import PASS, FAIL
from XenKvmLib.classes import get_typed_class
from XenKvmLib.const import get_provider_version, default_pool_name
from XenKvmLib.enumclass import EnumInstances
from VirtLib.utils import run_remote
-from XenKvmLib.xm_virt_util import virt2uri
+from XenKvmLib.xm_virt_util import virt2uri, net_list
+from XenKvmLib import rpcs_service
+from pywbem.cim_obj import CIMInstance, CIMInstanceName
+import pywbem
+cim_errno = pywbem.CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED
+cim_mname = "CreateChildResourcePool"
input_graphics_pool_rev = 757
+libvirt_cim_child_pool_rev = 837
def pool_cn_to_rasd_cn(pool_cn, virt):
if pool_cn.find('ProcessorPool') >= 0:
@@ -97,3 +103,94 @@
return volume
+def net_undefine(network, server, virt="Xen"):
+ """Function undefine a given virtual network"""
+ cmd = "virsh -c %s net-undefine %s" % (virt2uri(virt), network)
+ ret, out = run_remote(server, cmd)
+ return ret
+def undefine_netpool(server, virt, net_name):
+ if net_name == None:
+ return FAIL
+ ret = net_undefine(net_name, server, virt)
+ if ret != 0:
+ logger.error("Failed to undefine Virtual Network '%s'",
+ return FAIL
+ return PASS
+def create_verify_netpool(server, virt, test_pool):
This is a long function. I would break this up so there is a function
for creating the network pool and different function for verifying.
+ elif curr_cim_rev >= libvirt_cim_child_pool_rev:
+ nprasd = get_typed_class(virt,
+ 'NetPoolResourceAllocationSettingData')
+ addr = ""
+ n_list = net_list(server, virt)
+ for _net_name in n_list:
+ cmd = "virsh net-dumpxml %s | awk '/ip address/ {print}' | \
+ cut -d ' ' -f 4 | sed 's/address=//'" %
+ s, in_use_addr = run_remote(server, cmd)
+ in_use_addr = in_use_addr.strip("'")
+ if in_use_addr == addr:
+ logger.error("IP address is in use by a different network")
+ return FAIL
+ np_prop = {
+ "Address" : addr,
+ "Netmask" : "",
+ "IPRangeStart" : "",
+ "IPRangeEnd" : "",
+ }
+ np_id = 'NetworkPool/%s' % test_pool
+ iname = CIMInstanceName(nprasd,
+ namespace = CIM_NS,
+ keybindings = {'InstanceID':np_id})
+ if test_pool == "routedpool":
+ np_prop["ForwardMode"] = "route eth1"
+ elif test_pool == "natpool":
+ np_prop["ForwardMode"] = "nat"
The template NetPoolRASDs are now available in the providers. It's
probably better to use those than to hand build the instances.
+ nrasd = CIMInstance(nprasd, path = iname, properties = np_prop)
+ try:
+ rpcs_conn.CreateChildResourcePool(ElementName=test_pool,
+ Settings=[nrasd.tomof()])
+ except Exception, details:
+ logger.error("Error in childpool creation")
+ logger.error(details)
+ return FAIL
+ networkpool = get_typed_class(virt, 'NetworkPool')
+ pool_list = EnumInstances(server, networkpool)
+ if len(pool_list) < 1:
+ logger.error("Return %i instances, expected at least one
+ len(pool_list))
+ return FAIL
+ for i in range(0, len(pool_list)):
+ ret_pool = pool_list[i].InstanceID
+ if ret_pool == np_id:
+ status = PASS
+ break
+ elif ret_pool != poolname and i == len(pool_list)-1:
+ logger.error("Can not find expected pool")
+ return FAIL
You only verify the InstanceID - you don't verify that the pool was
created as expected.
Ideally, this would also verify the NetPoolRASD that represents the
current configuration of the NetworkPool. But I haven't implemented
that piece yet.
+ return status
Kaitlin Rupert
IBM Linux Technology Center