A new release of libvirt-cim is now available at:
* Features:
- Support for specifying NIC model type for virtual NICs
- Allow user to specify UUID to use when guest is created
- Schema update from 2.16 to 2.21
- Additional storage pool support:
- Support for a list of boot devices instead of just one device
- Support for specifying the BusType of a virtual disk
- Support for generating KVM migration job indications
- Users can now specify bridge type interfaces
- Support for specifying VNC passwords
* Bug fixes:
- Allow users to specify ForwardDevice attribute for network pools
- Generate <boot> tag properly for XenFV guests
- Set the InitPath for LXC guests
- Return ResultingSnapshot parameter from CreateSnapshot()
- Expose OperationalStatus attribute of VirtualSystemManagementService
- Set the PreviousInstance of a ComputerSystemModifiedInstance
indication properly
- Verified a UUID specified is not in use by an existing guest (when
attempting to define a new guest)
- Check to see if PoolID in NetRASD has valid format
Kaitlin Rupert
IBM Linux Technology Center