diff -r dfe0e517e990 -r ac6d65d178a0
This test doesn't pass for me with KVM on F9 using recent providers. I
get the following error:
CIM_ERR_FAILED: Unknown pool membership for `hd_domain/hda'
I think the issue here is that the guest's devices belong to an
appropriate disk pool. You'll need to create a function similar to the
network_pool function that ensures the guest's device belongs to the
expected pool.
Also, it's a good idea to have a negative case that makes sure you get
this kind of error when the guest's device doesn't belong to a pool.
-def get_keys(cn, device_id):
+def get_keys(cn, device_id, virt='Xen'):
id = "%s/%s" % (test_dom, device_id)
key_list = { 'DeviceID' : id,
'CreationClassName' : cn,
'SystemName' : test_dom,
- 'SystemCreationClassName' : "Xen_ComputerSystem"
+ 'SystemCreationClassName' : get_typed_class(virt,
This line spans 80 characters. You could declare a classname variable
above and then use classname here.
- try:
- cn = "Xen_Memory"
- key_list = get_keys(cn, "mem")
- mem = devices.Xen_Memory(options.ip, key_list)
+ logger.error('Unable to create domain %s' % test_dom)
+ return FAIL
+ try:
+ cn = get_typed_class(options.virt, "LogicalDisk")
+ key_list = get_keys(cn, test_disk, options.virt)
+ disk = eval('devices.' + get_typed_class(options.virt,
"LogicalDisk"))(options.ip, key_list)
This is long and is tough to read. I'd use a variable for the
get_typed_class(options.virt, "LogicalDisk") so that it's clear that
this line should be something like:
The same goes for the all devices in this test.
if len(assoc_info) != 1:
- Globals.logger.error("Xen_ElementAllocatedFromPool returned %i\
- ResourcePool objects for domain '%s'", len(assoc_info), test_dom)
+ Globals.logger.error("ElementAllocatedFromPool returned %i\
+ ResourcePool objects for domain '%s'", len(assoc_info), test_dom)
This line is long - the string arguments can go on a separate line.
Kaitlin Rupert
IBM Linux Technology Center