I verified the EnabledState Value to be appropriately set to 2 [BLOCKED]
before moving to SUSPEND.
I tried putting some debug statement in the Virt_ComputerSystem.c in
state_change_pause() function:
Here is the debug msg, which shows value of *0* instead of *2*:
std_invokemethod.c(279): Method `RequestStateChange' execution attempted
std_invokemethod.c(230): Method parameter `RequestedState' validated
type 0x90
std_invokemethod.c(230): Method parameter `TimeoutPeriod' validated type
std_invokemethod.c(303): Executing handler for method `RequestStateChange'
misc_util.c(72): Connecting to libvirt with uri `xen'
*Virt_ComputerSystem.c(815): Debug: info->state 0*
infostore.c(88): Path is /etc/libvirt/cim/Xen_DomST1
infostore.c(353): Creating new node reqstate=9
This is due to the "no state" issue. I submitted a patch for this
awhile back, and Dan had some review comments. I haven't had a chance
to resubmit the patch.
Basically, XenFV guests sometimes show up as "no state" instead of
running or blocked because the guest isn't requesting the CPU.
Kaitlin Rupert
IBM Linux Technology Center